In 1915 Einstein made a trip to Gottingen to give some lectures at the invitation of the mathematical physicist David Hilbert. He was particularly eager -- too eager, it would turn (62) -- to explain all the intricacies of relativity to him. The visit was a triumph, and he said to a friend excitedly, "I was able to (63) Hilbert of the general theory of relativity."
(64) all of Einstein’s personal turmoil (焦躁) at the time, a new scientific anxiety was about to (65) . He was struggling to find the right equations that would (66) his new concept of gravity, (67) that would define how objects move (68) space and how space is curved by objects. By the end of the summer, he (69) the mathematical approach he had been (70) for almost three years was flawed. And now there was a (71) pressure. Einstein discovered to his (72) that Hilbert had taken what he had learned from Einstein’
A. so
B. though
C. since
D. because
What do you do when you want to learn
the meaning of a {{U}} (21) {{/U}} word If you’re {{U}} (22)
{{/U}} most people, you do one of two things. You ask someone to tell you
the word’s meaning, or you look {{U}} (23) {{/U}} the word in a
dictionary. The fact that you can look up words in a dictionary can be {{U}} (24) {{/U}} to a man named Noah Webster. He produced the first dictionary of American English. Noah Webster was a person who {{U}} (25) {{/U}} words. He was born in West Hartford, Connecticut in 1758. Webster studied at Yale and later became a teacher and a writer. In 1782 Webster was teaching at an elementary school in Goshen, New York. He saw that the schoolbooks he was using left {{U}} (26) {{/U}} something he felt was important. The books Webster {{U}} (27) {{/U}} to use in his teaching came from England. Th A. like B. alike C. likely D. as [单项选择]机械通气常选择的潮气量为()
A. 5~6ml/kg B. 5~12ml/kg C. 8~15ml/kg D. 10~20ml/kg E. 12~25ml/kg [单项选择]下列不属于现金的是:( )。
A. (A) 流通于银行体系以外的现钞 B. (B) 居民手中的现金 C. (C) 企业单位的备用金 D. (D) 商业银行的库存现金 [单项选择]时间分辨荧光免疫分析所测定的特异光信号来自
A. FITC B. TRITC C. RB 200 D. 镧系元素 E. AMPPD [多项选择]发病率可用来( )
A. 描述疾病的分布 B. 探讨发病的因素 C. 评价预防措施的效果 D. 提出病因假设 E. 研究死亡的严重程度 [单项选择]哪个城市下雨( )。
A. 沈阳 B. 长沙 C. 重庆 D. 天津 [单选题]小张持500元残损人民币到当地中国银行要求兑换,该支行以业务繁忙为由拒绝兑换,小张遂向当地中国人民银行进行投诉,就当地人民银行是否应该受理,以下说法正确的是:( )
A.当地人民银行没有管辖权,不应受理小张的投诉。 B.当地人民银行对小张的投诉应予以受理。 C.当地人民银行应会同当地银行业监督管理部门共同受理小张的投诉。 D.当地人民银行应报请上级行受理小张的投 [单项选择]某项目工程造价中,直接工程费200万元,二次搬运费2万元,大型机械设备进出场及安拆费10万元,危险作业意外伤害保险费2万元,现场管理人员工资1万元,企业劳动保险费5万元。则上述费用中属于直接费的合计为( )万元。
A. 212 B. 214 C. 220 D. 215 我来回答: 提交