{{B}}Can Buildings Be Designed to Resist Terrorist Attack {{/B}} In the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, structural engineers are trying hard to solve a question that a month ago would have been completely unthinkable: Can building be designed to withstand catastrophic blasts inflicted by terrorists Ten days after the terrorist attacks on the twin towers, structural engineers from the University at Buffalo and the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER) headquartered at UB traveled to ground zero as part of a project funded by file National Science Foundation, visiting the site as part of an MCEER reconnaissance visit. They spent two days beginning the task of formulating ideas about how to design such structures and to search for clues on how to do so i A. that was asked by structural engineers a month ago B. that is too difficult for structural engineers to answer even now C. that was never thought of before the terrorist attack D. that terrorists are eager to find a solution to [多选题]隐匿身份侦查的实施要求
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A.实施目的 要求正当 B.实施程序 要求合法 C.实施遵守最 后原则 D.实施过程要求保密 [单选题]A320飞机当乘客少于多少人时,可以选择低流量?
A.75 B.95 C.141 [单项选择]某版教科书在《济南的冬天》一文课后有一段对老舍先生的介绍,这属于教科书中的什么系统?()
A. 助读系统 B. 知识系统 C. 范文系统 D. 练习系统 [名词解释]先秦时期(夏商西周)
[单选题]胡锦涛在( ),深刻阐明了科学发展观提出的背景、意义,明确界定了“以人为本”“全面发展”“协调发展”“可持续发展”的深刻内涵和基本要求,标志着科学发展观的形成。
A. 2003年7月,在全面总结抗击非典斗争经验时 B. 2003年10月,党的十六届三中全会上 C. 2004年3月,中央人口资源环境座谈会上 D. 2004年5月,胡锦涛在江苏考察工作时 [判断题] 工伤职工在停工留薪期满后仍需治疗的,继续享受工伤医疗待遇。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]《铁路旅客运输规程》(铁运〔1997〕101号)规定,铁路运送期间发生的旅客人身伤亡承运人承担赔偿责任是如何规定的?
[单选题]干硬性砂浆养护完成后抗压强度可达( )。
A.20~30 MPa B.50~60 MPa C.30~40 MPa D.40~50 MPa [单项选择]船舶在风浪中放艇时应()。
A. 防止先脱前钩 B. 防止先脱后钩 C. 尽量同时脱钩 D. AC正确 [单项选择]According to the passage, employers ______.
A. feel that they have not been consulted sufficiently about their needs B. consider that cost-consciousness is the most important qualification C. are more concerned about the value of the degree than graduates themselves D. feel that MBAs will not be necessary because of shrinking management structures [多项选择]下列关于利息和利率的说法中,正确的有()。
A. 利息是占用资金所付出的代价 B. 利息能够促进企业加强经济核算 C. 利率的高低取决于平均投资利润率的高低 D. 利息是衡量资金时间价值的绝对尺度 E. 利息和利率是以信用方式动员和筹集资金的动力 [单选题]慢性肺心病患者血液检査结果,错误的是
A.红细胞可增高 B.血減竑度降低 C.红细胞电泳时间延长 D.ALT升高 [判断题]机构间缴存现金既可以通过预约模式缴存和也可以通过非预约缴存。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交