{{B}}请根据下面短文回答下列题:{{/B}} No one wants to be caught in the rain without an umbrella. Umbrellas come in different shapes and sizes. Many of them can be put into bags in case of a sudden rain. Just about everyone owns an umbrella, but not many of us give them a second thought. People don’t know exactly where the first umbrella came into being. Some say Egypt (埃及) while others say China. What is for sure is that they’ve been around a very long time. They weren’t used to protect people from the rain, however. They were used to keep people from the sun. Women were the first people to carry umbrellas. In 1750, an Englishman decided to carry an umbrella everywhere he went, and he became the center of people’s talk. Not caring about the laughs of those around him, he carried his umb [判断题]高处作业使用的脚手架应经验收合格后方可使用。上下脚手架应走斜道或梯子,作业人员应沿脚手杆或栏杆等攀爬。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()对与之朝夕相处的“五畜”(牛、马、山羊、绵羊、骆驼)怀有深厚的感情,他们的服饰中随处可见对“五畜”的歌颂。
A. 藏族 B. 土族 C. 蒙古族 D. 回族 [简答题]During the past few weeks, newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic have revealed in breathless terms the latest plan to invade Iraq.
They have described massive thrusts by armour from all sides; airborne attacks to take out Baghdad; vast seaborne raids. Saddam Hussein, according to one version, will be removed by dissidents inserted into Iraq backed by US Special Forces. Alternatively, Saddam will be taken out in a precision strike. Civilian officials in the Bush administration have huffed and puffed about the "leaks", to the amusement of the intelligence and military professionals. "One thing you can say with an awful lot of certainty," one told The Observer newspaper in London last week, "is that there is going to be an awful lot of deception going on over the next few months." Deception is one of the oldest of the military’s black arts. But the fact of the existence of deception is important in itself. It is, in the terminology of these things, a "combat indica [单选题]横越停有机车车辆的线路时,先确认机车车辆暂不移动,然后在该机车车辆( )m以外通过。
A.3 B.5 C.8 D.10 [单选题]6C系统工作温度( )。
A.–40℃~+70℃ B.–50℃~+70℃ C.–40℃~+85℃ –50℃~+85℃ D. –50℃~+85℃ [单项选择]如果狗经常甩头,抓耳朵,可能的原因是()。
A. 蚊虫叮咬 B. 细菌感染 C. 耳朵发炎或耳螨 D. 真菌感染 [单项选择]已知某项资产收益率与市场组合收益率之间的相关系数为0.6,该项资产收益率的标准差为10%,市场组合收益率的方差为0.36%,则可以计算该项资产的β系数为______。
A. 12.5 B. 1 C. 6 D. 2 [多项选择]关于附属于某一期货交易所的相对独立的结算机构的说法,正确的是( )。
A. 便于交易所全面掌握市场参与者的资金情况 B. 有针对性地防止交易所在利益驱动下的违规行为 C. 保持交易和结算的相对独立性 D. 风险承受能力很强 [多选题]装设同杆(塔)塔架设的多层电力线路接地线,应()。
A.先装设低压、后装设高压 B.先装设下层、后装设上层 C.先装设近侧、后装设远侧 D.先装设高压、后装设低压 [单选题]桑寄生、五加皮除均可祛风湿外,还具有的功效是
A.清热安胎 B.利尿消肿 C.定惊止痉 D.温通经络 E.补肝肾,强筋骨 [多项选择]王某和刘某相约投毒杀人,由刘某负责买毒药。王某在拿到毒药的第三天,决定放弃杀人行为,他将毒药扔入河里。以下说法正确的是( )。
A. 王某和刘某构成故意杀人罪的共犯 B. 王某构成犯罪中止 C. 刘某构成犯罪未遂 D. 刘某构成犯罪预备 [单选题]靶式流量计是在管道中心设置一个靶作为元件,当流体流经管道时冲击靶,此时液体的体积流量与靶上所受的冲击力的平方根成正比( )。
A. 连通 B. 节流 C. 冲击 D. 差压 [多选题]《塔里木油田钻井井控实施细则》规定:钻前施工时,导管应( )。
A.掩埋垂直 B.钻机安装时,转盘中心线与导管中心线偏差≤10mm C.钻机安装时,转盘中心线与导管中心线偏差≤20mm D.确保一开开正井眼 E.以后各开次开钻前都应保证井口、转盘、天车的中心线偏差≤10mm。 [单选题]最能提示急性坏死性胰腺炎的化验结果( )
A.血淀粉酶增高 B.白细胞增高 C.低血钙 D.低血磷 E.高血糖 [单选题]《物权法》颁布,明确了业主对区分所有建筑物的共同管理权,奠定了物业管理的()基础。
A.行政法律 B.刑事法律 C.行政法律和民事法量 D.民事法律 [判断题]班组在模拟箱变灭火演练中,班组人员使用干粉灭火器进行灭火。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]普通硅酸盐水泥终凝时间不大于()min。
A.300 B.360 C.390 D.600 [单项选择]如果儿童处于具体运算阶段,那么他的年龄是( )
A. 0~2岁 B. 2~7岁 C. 7~11岁 D. 11~16岁 [判断题]开展双争活动,要坚持纵向比建设水平,横向看进步幅度,不搞平衡照顾和人为保先进
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]作业过程中必须安全使用临时电源,应从()处取电。
A.固定电源 B.指定电源 C.临时电源 D.应急电源 [多选题]普速铁路高空作业必须设有专人监护,其监护要求有哪些?( )
A. 间接带电作业时,每个作业地点均要设有专人监护,其安全等级不低于四级。 B. 停电作业时,每个监护人的监护范围不超过2个跨距,在同一组软(硬)横跨上作业时不超过4条股道 C. 在相邻线路同时作业时,要分别派监护人各自监护 D. 作业人员及所携带的物件、作业工器具等与接触网带电部分距离小于3m的远离作业,每个作业地点均要设有专人监护,其安全等级不低于四级 [多项选择]传染性非典型肺炎的传播途径是()
A. 密切接触传播 B. 接触患者呼吸道分泌物 C. 短距离飞沫传播 D. 血液传播 E. 虫媒传播 [单选题]跨越道路(非公路)的水平拉线,对路面的垂直距离不应低于( )m。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [单项选择]急性前葡萄膜炎时,瞳孔会出现何种变化
A. 变大 B. 缩小 C. 无变化 D. 以上均正确 [单项选择]According to Wolfensohn, they are going to make a needs assessment with their colleagues from ______.
A. the Asian Development Bank, the EU, Japan, and the United States B. the Asian Development Bank, the U.S, Japan, and the United Nations C. the Asian Development Bank, the UN, Japan and the United States D. the Asian Development Bank, the UN, Japan, and the United Kingdoms [单选题]《中国共产主义青年团纪律处分条例 (试行)》指出,执行团纪处分决定的团组织,应当在( )内将处分决定的执行情况向作出或者批准处分决定的团组织报告。( )
A.半个月 B.一个月 C.两个月 D.三个月 [多项选择]护理质量管理的基本任务( )
A. 建立质量管理体系 B. 进行全面质量控制 C. 进行质量教育 D. 持续改进护理质量 E. 制定护理质量标准 我来回答: 提交