Educational attitudes in a country may
be a (31) by which its basic cultural values are reflected.
To take the American higher education (32) example,
university classrooms share certain identical features though they (33)
from course to course in some aspects. Any student, (34)
their ethnic and social background; is not only allowed but also
encouraged to have chances for active participation in class. (35)
, teachers often expect independent learning (36)
their students. It will be most appreciated if a student can (37)
the initiative and complete the assignment without too much
(38) upon his or her instructors. These two (39)
features i A. unity B. equality C. inequality D. variety [多选题]CR400AF型动车组前端车钩缓冲装置采用10型钩头,带电气连接器,可以实现( )的自动或手动连接和分解
A.水路 B.机械 C.气路 D.电路 [单选题]时间空间是
A.物质存在的基本形式 B.人们经验规定的东西 C.人类感性的直观形式 D.独立于物质的客观存在 [单项选择]We all know that the normal human daily cycle of activity is of some 748 hours’ sleep alternating with some 16,417 hours’ wakefulness and that, broadly speaking, the sleep normally coincides with the hours of darkness. Our present concern is with how easily and to what extent this cycle can be modified.
The question is no mere academic one. The ease, for example, with which people can change from working in the day to working at night is a question of growing importance in industry where automation calls for round the-clock working of machines. It normally takes from five days to one week for a person to adapt to a reversed routine of sleep and wakeful-ness, sleeping during the day and working at night. Unfortunately, it is often the case in industry that shifts are changed every week: a person may work from 12 midnight to 8 a. m. one week, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. the next, and 4 p. m. to 12 midnight the third and so on. This means that no sooner has he got used to one routine than he A. Because few people like to reverse the cycle of sleep and wakefulness. B. Because sleep normally coincides with the hours of darkness. C. Because people are required to work at night in some fields of industry. D. Because shift work in industry requires people to change their sleeping habits. [单选题]利用已有杆塔立、撤杆,应检查杆塔( )及拉线和杆塔的强度,必要时应增设临时拉线或采取其他补强措施
A.基础 B.根部 C.中部 D.上部 [单项选择]短发盘发操作要根据头发的()、发量的多少及所需的效果进行预先设计。
A. 长短 B. 层次 C. 发型 D. 颜色 [多选题]. 客户电能表的计量方式以下可能出现的是( )。
A. 高供高计 B. 高供低计 C. 低供低计 D. 低供高计 [判断题]起飞前,直接把香槟放在冰桶里进行冰镇。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]企业劳动组织工作应遵循哪些原则?
A. 理气化痰 B. 活血软坚 C. 滋阴降火 D. 活血化郁 E. 宁心柔肝 [判断题]驻站联络员和现场防护人员应由指定的、经过考试合格的人员担任。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]
It is hard to predict how science is going to turn out, and if it is really good science it is impossible to predict. If the things to be found are actually new, they are by definition unknown in advance. You cannot make choices in this matter. (46)You either have science or you don’t, and if you have it you are obliged to accept the surprising and disturbing pieces of information, along with the neat and promptly useful bits. [单选题]室外消火栓按其设置方式分为地上式消火栓.地下式消火栓和( )。
A.室内消火栓 B.消防竖管 C.消防水鹤 D.水泵结合器 [单项选择]猝死型冠心病最主要的原因是()。
A. 心脏破裂 B. 急性广泛心肌梗死 C. 心源性休克 D. 急性左心衰竭 E. 严重心律失常,特别是心室颤动 [单选题]SMS持续审核是指,对通过初始审核的空管运行单位的_____和实际效能的审核。
A.SMS管理人员 B.SMS管理情况 C.设备投入 D.安全生产工作 [单选题]仪表风故障后,裂解工序处理正确的是()。
A.为了保障超高压蒸汽产量裂解炉继续运转 B.裂解炉须紧急停车 C.急冷油系统停止运转 [填空题]钢轨总磨耗=垂直磨耗+<--NRC-->侧面磨耗。
A. 标准误可用来估计医学参考值范围 B. 标准差可反映样本均数的变异程度 C. 标准误可描述正态(近似正态)分布资料的频数分布 D. 样本含量一定时,标准差越大,标准误越小 E. 标准误是表示抽样误差的大小的指标 [填空题]电空位操纵时,列车管的最小减压量是由()控制的,而最大减量则是由压力开关208控制的。
A. 液压马达 B. 液压泵 C. 齿轮齿条 D. 气泵 [单选题]下列关于施工现场功能区域划分的叙述,不正确的是( )。
A.施工现场的办公区、生活区应当与作业区分开设置 B.办公生活区应当设置于在建建筑物坠落半径之外,不允许设置在在建建筑物坠落半径范围内 C.办公区、生活区与施工区间应采取相应的防护隔离措施,设置明显的指示标识 D.功能区的规划设置时应考虑交通、水电、消防和环保等因素 [判断题]电泳涂装适合于所有被涂物涂底漆。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 额定工作压力12.7~15.6MPa的汽包锅炉,凝结水硬度含量应()。
A. ≤1.0μmol/L B. ≤2.0μmol/L C. ≤3.0μmol/L D. ≤5.0μmol/L [单选题] 影响倾析器倾析效果的是( )。
A.壁厚 B.液位 C.组分 D.挡板 [不定项选择题]钳形电流表使用时应先用较大量程,然后在是视被测电流的大小变换量程。切换量程时应()。
A.直接转动量程开关 B.先退出导线,再转动量程开关 C.一边进线一边换挡 D.一边换挡一边进线 E.以上都对 我来回答: 提交