序号 | 质量问题 | 数量 | 序号 | 质量问题 | 数量 | |
A market is commonly thought of as a place where
commodities are bought and sold. Thus fruit and vegetables are sold wholesale at
Covent Garden Market and meat is sold wholesale at Smithfield Market. But there
are markets for things{{U}} (21) {{/U}}commodities, in the usual sense.
There are{{U}} (22) {{/U}}estate markets, foreign exchange markets,
labor markets, short-term capital markets, and so on; there may be a market for
anything which has a price. And there may be no particular place{{U}} (23)
{{/U}}dealings are confined. Buyers and sellers may be (24) over
the whole world and instead of actually meeting together in a market-place they
may deal with one another{{U}} (25) {{/U}}telephone, telegram, cable or
letter.{{U}} (26) {{/U}}dealings are{{U}} (27) {{/U}}to a
particular place, the dealers may consist wholly or in part of agen A. brokers B. breakers C. bribers D. braziers [判断题]转让动产所得的应税所得来源地标准,按照所转让动产的所在地确定。
A. 临床表现 B. 便常规 C. X线钡剂灌肠 D. 血清α2球蛋白测定 E. 结肠镜检查 [填空题]离岗三个月以上六个月以下的复工的员工要重新进行( )。
[填空题] 在非正常情况下,机车乘务员要严格按照列车调度员命令核对无误后升降弓,防止将电带入( )。
[多选题]在国际贸易合同中,溢短装条款包括的内容有( )。
A.溢短装的百分比 B.溢短装的选择权 C.溢短装部分的作价 D.买方必须收取溢短装的货物 [单项选择]成年果树一般每年的追肥次数为()
A. 1—2次 B. 2—3次 C. 2—4次 D. 4—5次 我来回答: 提交