We unemployed share a social stigma
(耻辱) similar to that of the rape victim. Whether consciously or subconsciously,
much of the work-ethic driven public feels that you’ve somehow "asked for it".
Secretly wanted to lose your job and "flirted (幻想)" with unemployment through
your attitude- probably dressed in a way to invite it (left the vest unbuttoned
on your three-piece suit). But the worse of it isn’t society’s work-ethic morality; it’s your own, which you never knew you had. You find out how much self-satisfaction was gained from even the most simple work-related task: a well-worded letter, a well-handled phone call, even a clean file. Being useful to yourself isn’t enough. But then almost everyone has heard about the need to be a useful member of society. What you didn’t know about was the loneliness. You’ve spent your li A. How the Unemployed Are Looked Down Upon B. How Important to Be Employed C. How It Feels to Be Out of Work D. How to Gain a Little More Knowledge and Compassion [单选题]持有人可持中国人民银行的鉴定书及可兑换的残缺、污损人民币到()进行兑换。
A.当地人民银行分支机构; B.银行业机构; C.中国银行业监督管理委员会。 [多选题]在坝顶( )、吊桥以及其他危险的边沿进行工作,临空一面应装设安全网或防护栏杆,否则,作业人员应使用安全带。
A.陡坡 B.屋顶 C.悬崖 D.杆塔 [单选题]串联排污门操作方法是( )。
A.先开二次门后开一次门,关时相反; B.根据操作是否方便自己确定; C.一次门后开二次门,关时相反; D.由运行人员根据负荷大小决定。 [简答题]谁曾经说过“半部论语治天下”?
[单项选择]TCP/IP的互联层采用IP协议,它相当于OSI参考模型中网络层的( )。
A. 面向无连接网络服务 B. 面向连接网络服务 C. 传输控制协议 D. X.25协议 [多项选择]煤矿采区进风巷内,应使用()。
A. 架线电机车 B. 防爆电机车 C. 矿用防爆特殊型蓄电池电机车 D. 矿用防爆柴油机 [单项选择]风寒感冒的治法是
A. 辛温解表 B. 辛凉解表 C. 清暑解表 D. 消食导滞 E. 安神镇惊 [单选题]下列属于计划工作原则的是
A.创新原则 B.重视成果原则 C.目标性原则 D.以成员为中心原则 E.重视效益原则 [单项选择]癫痫失神发作最不宜应用的药物是()
A. 氯硝安定 B. 乙琥胺 C. 苯琥胺 D. 苯妥英钠 E. 丙戊酸钠 [单选题](2017年考题)为编制招标工程量清单,在拟定常规的施工组织设计时,正确的做法是( )。
A.根据概算指标和类似工程估算整体工程量时,仅对主要项目加以估算 B.拟定施工总方案时需要考虑施工步骤 C.在满足工期要求的前提下,施工进度计划应尽量推后以降低风险 D.在计算工、料、机资源需要量时,不必考虑节假日、气候的影响 [简答题]为什么许可证延期一般不超过24小时?
A.皮肤淋巴结 B.肺 C.脑 D.肝 [填空题]Some years ago, an American policeman found a woman lying near a lonely road. She did not appear to have had an (36) . But she was trembling and clearly in a state of shock. So he (37) her to the nearest hospital. She began to tell the doctor on duty the story which was astonishing and (38) She had been driving along a country road when she had been stopped by a flying saucer landing in front of her. She had been forced to leave the car and enter the flying saucer by (39) which looked like human beings and which could easily make themselves (40) although they could not speak. It was as though they could read her thoughts and she could read theirs. They (41) her politely and allowed her to leave after carrying out a number of tests on her. As she otherwise seems to be (42) , the doctor decided that she was probably (43) from the side effects of some drug. The woman insisted on being allowed to g
A.单环式结构 B.链式结构 C.环网结构 D.辐射结构 [判断题]地下水由于悬浮物含量低,可以直接作为低压工业锅炉给水。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]经院哲学
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