People are moving to cities in droves. In 1950,
two-thirds of the worlds’ population lived in the countryside. New York was then
the only settlement with more than 10 million people. Today there are 20 such
megacities, and more are on the way. Most of these megacities are in developing countries that are struggling to cope with both the speed and the scale of human migration. Estimates of the future spread of urbanization are based on the observation that in Europe, and in North and South America, the urban share of the total population has stabilized at 75%--85%. If the rest of the world follows this path it is expected that in the next A. a megacity with slums B. a palace of hunger and conflict C. an industrialized city D. a rural area with a surplus population [单项选择]在维护与用户在组织中的汇报结构相适应的责任分离方面,下面()数据库控制是最有效的。
[单项选择]We all knew that the earth ______ around the sun.
A. went B. goes C. go [单选题]包用专用列车的编组中作隔离或宿营的车辆不另计费,但用隔离车装运行李、包裹时则应按()办理。
A.租车 B.包车 C.行李、包裹混装 D.包裹 [单项选择]自顶向下战略规划基本过程分为十多条,其中逐步建立实体图的目的是()
A. 得到企业最高管理层的委托 B. 定义业务职能范围 C. 把每个业务活动分解成功能和活动 D. 准备和呈交一份结束报告 [单选题]下列哪项显示胎盘尚未剥离:
A.子宫底上升 B.子宫收缩呈球形 C.阴道少量流血 D.在耻骨联合上方按压子宫时脐带回缩 [简答题]旅游主管部门作出行政处罚前,哪些情况下应告知当事人享有听证权?
() A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]标准ETC车道可通过以下哪个按键删除异常车队列( )
A.Delete B.F1 C.End D.Insert [判断题]防汛抢险常用工器具只要存在不足就应淘汰。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )铁路线路中心线在水平面上的投影叫做铁路线路的纵断面。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]食品中的危害有( )
A. 、生物危害 B. 化学危害 C. 物理危害 [判断题]行政机关违反《行政许可法》第53条的规定,不采用招标、拍卖方式,损害申请人合法权益的,申请人可以依法申请行政复议,但不能提起行政诉讼
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交