Transportation use a to Be
Much Slower than It Is Now{{/B}} For many years in tile desert, camels used to be the only form of transportation. Before the {{U}} (51) {{/U}}of modern trains, camel trains used to carry al! the goods for trading between Central Africa and Europe. Traders sometimes{{U}} (52) {{/U}}to put together camel trains with 10,000 to 15,000 animals. Each animal often carried{{U}} (53) {{/U}}400 pounds and it could travel twenty miles a day. This form of transportation was so important{{U}} (54) {{/U}}camels were called the "ship of the desert". Now modern trains travel across the desert in a very{{U}} (55) {{/U}}time. One engine can pull as much weight as 135,000{{U}} (56) A. No B. Single C. A D. Just [单项选择] Condoms Stirring College Campuses
Handing out free condoms is quite common in many foreign universities, but the small condom vendors on Chinese college campuses have aroused heated debates. Managerial personnel at universities worry that those little boxes will trigger more sexual activity, while students argue that college authorities should not treat them like children.
One day in mid-April, a student cafeteria in Tianjin’’s Nankai University was bustling with unusual excitement over a new vending machine. Though seemingly ordinary, the vending machine grabbed students’’ attention. While most female students hurried away after glancing at it, male students gathered in small groups in the vicinity, whispering about it. Some even went forward to have a closer look and then told their fellow students, laughing, "There really are some in it. "
It was a condom vending machine, and condoms were the "some" the students talked about.
This scene has al
A. Y B. N C. NG [单选题]某客户2010年1月5日买入某理财产品,价格是10000元,2011年1月5日到期,得到10500元,期问分配收益500元。则持有期收益率为( )。
A.11% B.10% C.9.1% D.20% [简答题]反响回路
A.欠阻尼 B.微欠阻尼 C.过阻尼 D.微过阻尼 [单选题]根据现场安全条件、施工范围和作业需要,增设(),并明确其监护内容。
A.作业人员 B.作业负责人 C.监理人员 D.专责监护人 [单选题]下列哪一项不属于当事人可以暂缓或者分期缴纳罚款的法定条件
A.当事人向指定的银行缴纳罚 款确有困难 B.当事人确有经济困难 C.需要延期或者分期缴纳罚款的 D.经当事人申请和行政机关批准 [判断题]管理线损只包含计量管理线损和营业线损。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 类风湿关节炎发病的常见诱因是
A.紫外线 B.阳光直射 C.寒冷潮湿 D.过敏反应 E.遗传因素 [单项选择]以下疾病中早期易出现蜂窝肺改变的是()。
A. 硅沉着病 B. 结节病 C. 寻常性间质性肺炎 D. 狼疮性肺炎 E. 慢性支气管炎 [单项选择]关于工作分析成果文件的说法,正确的是()。
A. 工作描述是对人的要求,它界定了工作队任职者各方面的要求 B. 工作规范是对职位本身的内涵和外延加以规范的描述性文件 C. 工作规范主要涉及工作任职者实现在做什么以及如何做等内容。 D. 职位说明书包括工作描述和工作规范两个部分 [判断题]伤员脱离电源后,当发现触电者呼吸微弱或停止时,应立即通畅触电者的气道以促进触电者呼吸或便于抢救。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]滚轧直螺纹钢筋接头连接套筒,用于两端钢筋均不能转动的场合的套筒形式是( ):
A.标准型 B.正反丝扣型 C.扩口型 D.异径型 [填空题]在心理测验中,一般来说,测验越长,信度值越( )。
A.保持伤口清洁。 B.伤员的衣服鞋袜用剪刀剪开后除去。 C.伤口全部用清洁布片覆盖,防止污染。 D.四肢烧伤时,先用清洁冷水冲洗,然后用冰抹布搓。 [单选题]中国稠油分类标准将稠油分为( )、特稠油、超稠油。
A.低稠油 B.一般稠油 C.稠油 D.高稠油 [单选题]鸣笛礼中呜笛消防车数量通常为()辆,具体车数、队形根据环境和场地等情况确定
A.A、5-10 B.B、6-10 C.C、7-15 D.D、7-20 [单项选择]下列会计报表中,属于反映企业特定日期财务状况的会计报表是______。
A. 利润表 B. 所有者权益变动表 C. 资产负债表 D. 现金流量表 我来回答: 提交