But let no one think that pleasure is
immoral. Pleasure in itself is a great good, all pleasure, but its consequences
may be such (31) the sensible person eschews certain
varieties of (32) . Nor need pleasure be gross and sensual.
They are wise in their generation (33) have discovered that
intellectual pleasure is the most satisfying and the most enduring. It is well
to (34) the habit of reading. There are (35)
sports in which you can engage to your own satisfaction after you have
passed the prime of life; there are no games except patience, chess problems and
crossword puzzles that you can play without someone to play them with you.
Reading suffers (36) no such disadvantages; there is no
occupation—except perhaps needle-work, but that leaves the restless spirit
(37) liberty— which you can more easil A. get B. hold C. take D. look [填空题] I always eat breakfast, and suggest that you do too. We all need food in the morning to supply ourselves (31) sources of glucose, (32) is not stored in the body and (33) needed to fuel the brain. Studies show that those who eat (34) are more productive at school and work (35) those who skip it. But there is disagreement over (36) should be eaten for the first meal of the day.
I myself like leftovers. I’ve never cared (37) most of the common American breakfast foods and feel just terrible if I eat some of (38) . I do fine on a traditional Japanese breakfast (39) steamed rice, broiled fish, miso soup, pickled vegetables, seaweed, and green tea. I also like fruit, nuts, some fresh cheese, and olives. You will have to experiment to find out what you (40) and what works best for you.
In any (41) , eating breakfast makes it easier to meet your daily nutritional (42) . Research shows that people who eat breakfast get more vitamins A, C, and E, f
[单选题]防坠落辅助设备通用型滑轮的工作负荷为大于( )kN。(易)4
A.20 B.22 C.25 D.30 [单选题]接户线与建筑物的突出部分(房檐等)的距离,不应小于200iilln,至人们常到的地方(阳台台阶等)的距离,不应小于( ).
A.1.5m B.2.0m C.2.5m D.3.0m [单项选择]有关急性粒细胞性白血病的描述中,哪项是错误的:
A. 又称为急性髓性白血病 B. M7为单核细胞分化的白血病 C. 根据FAB分类分为MO~M7种类型 D. 也称为急性非淋巴细胞性白血病 E. MO~M3型为粒细胞分化的白血病 [单选题]某铜冶炼企业,为了进一步扩大生产产能,准备投资建设一个年产20万吨铜产能的铜冶炼厂,主要采用闪速炼铜工艺,包括熔炼、制酸、电解等生产工序,主要产品为阴极铜、工业硫酸等。项目委托某设计公司设计、某建设公司实施项目建设,预计三年内完成项目建设。由于近期铜市场较好,为了赶项目进度,该冶炼厂主要负责人决定采取同时设计同时施工的方式加快项目建设进度;同时,考虑到建设成本问题对安全设施的投入进行缩减。项目提前一年建成投产,经试运行、正式投产一直保持了安全无事故。请根据上述场景回答下列问题。该建设项目违反了哪项制度()。
A.新建、改建、扩建工程项目的安全设施“三同时”制度 B.环境影响评价制度 C.安全设施施工制度 [单项选择]
A. 利用效率 B. 可靠性 C. 稳定性 D. 兼容性 [多选题]动火工作票各级审批人员和签发人的安全责任包括()。
A.工作的必要性 B.工作的安全性 C.工作班成员精神状态是否良好 D.工作票上所填安全措施是否正确完备 [单选题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司中国南方电网有限责任公司信息化技术管理办法》Q/CSG218003—2018,公司实行统一的技术路线和(),公司各级单位应严格遵守并统一应用,不得违反。
A.管理标注 B.技术标准 C.技术要求 D.管理要求 [单选题]( )状态下的卡片可以不用先收卡而直接办理销户。
A..挂失且以满30天 B..未启用卡 C..正常卡 我来回答: 提交