2006年,全省共有高新技术产品企业1194家,完成高新技术产品产值1893.18亿元、增加值597.49亿元,分别比上年增长24.4%和26.3%;实现高新技术产品销售收入1909.29亿元,增长25.5%;实现高新技术产品利税192.5亿元,增长18.8%。企业平均规模不断扩大,由上年的 1.40亿元提高到1.59亿元,过亿元企业286家,增加81家,实现产值1632亿元,占全省高新技术产值的86.2%,提高6.4个百分点;产销衔接较好,产销率达100.85%,提高0.86个百分点,比规模以上工业产品销售率高1.16个百分点;销售收入利润率为5.5%,与上年持平,比规模以上工业主营业务收入利润率高0.9个百分点。
Questions 156-159 refer to the
following job announcement. Seeking: Assistant Controller · Large downtown law firm is seeking an Assistant Controller for our Accounting Department. · Basic responsibilities include control of the accounting systems, supervision of a seven-person team, and assisting with the hiring and training of new employees. · Qualified applicant should have eight years of accounting experience, Experience working in a law firm is desirable. · Education requirements include an undergraduate degree in accounting. CPA is preferred. · The successful candidate will have the necessary computer skills and be familiar with the most current automated financial systems. To apply for this position, send a r~sum6 and three letters of reference to: Annabelle Smythe A. (A) A computer company B. (B) An accounting office C. (C) An advertising agency D. (D) A law firm [名词解释]金融结构
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]炉尾温度高是什么原因产生的?怎样处理?
A. 公司战略 B. 可获得的培训资源 C. 公司文化 D. 人员素质状况 E. 组织目标 [填空题]四显示通过信号机的灯位由上至下依次是[填空(1)]
[单项选择]The examiner did not know whether to (report) the student for (cheating) or (warning) (him) first.
A. report B. cheating C. warning D. him [单选题]( )造成异步电动机以半速运转且响声很大的原因可能是:______。
A.负载太重 B.转子一相断线产生单相运行 C.电源电压降低 D.电源频率不稳 [单项选择]当骨巨细胞瘤病理表现为肿瘤组织质地疏松、出血、坏死和囊性变时其对应的声像图表现()
A. 病变部位呈偏心性肿大 B. 肿瘤与正常骨质界限清楚 C. 肿瘤透声性良好,后部边界回声增强 D. 彩色多普勒血流显像见少许点状血流或较丰富的血流 我来回答: 提交