A Debate on the English
Language A measure declaring English the national language is under intense debate in the United States. The US Senate passed two declarations last week. One calls English the nation’s official language and the other says it is the "common and unifying(统一的)" tongue. But Americans found themselves divided on the issue. Since people worldwide know that most Americans speak only English, many can’t understand why the issue is so controversial(有争议的). "The discussion is related to fears of immigration issues," says Dick Tucker, a social scientist at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Mellon University. "It’s related to a worry about the changing demography (人口统计) of the US. It’s a worry about who will A. "invented" B. "formed" C. "shaped" D. "discussed" [单项选择]荆芥常用的炮制方法是
A. 炒黄 B. 炒焦 C. 炒炭 D. 砂烫 E. 滑石粉烫 [判断题]三拐曲轴是发动机或泵体上实现直线往复运动与旋转运动相互转换的重要部件,曲轴在工作时受力复杂,同时,又是高速旋转件,因此要求曲轴具有较高的强度和刚度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,19岁,两侧腰痛2周,尿频、尿痛3天,B超示双肾结石,尿白细胞+++/HP,红细胞+/HP,已行清洁中段尿培养(药敏试验结果未报),选用的抗生素应针对的常见致病菌是().
A. 大肠杆菌 B. 产碱杆菌 C. 粪链球菌 D. 克雷伯杆菌 E. 葡萄球菌 [多选题]取得特种烟草专卖经营企业许可证的企业,必须向国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门报送( )和报表。
A.进货计划 B.销售计划 C.库存计划 D.营业额 [单选题]URL的含义是( )。
A.信息资源在网上的业务类型和如何访问的统一的描述方法 B.信息资源的网络地址的统一的描述方法 C.信息资源在网上的位置及如何定位寻找的统一的描述方法 D.信息资源在网上的位置和如何访问的统一一的描述方法 [多选题]下列哪些加工方法( )获得的零件表面粗糙度可用此标注符号“”。( )
A.冷轧 B.铣 C.铸造 D.锻造 E.磨 F.抛光 [单项选择]适用于项目需求清晰、在项目初期就可以明确所有需求、不需要二次开发的软件生命周期模型是( )。
A. 瀑布模型 B. 迭代模型 C. 快速原型开发 D. 快速创新开发 [单项选择]
Emotions Emotion is a feeling about or reaction to certain important events or thoughts. People enjoy feeling such pleasant emotions as love, happiness, and contentment. They often try to avoid feeling unpleasant emotions, such as loneliness, worry, and grief. Individuals communicate most of their emotions by means of words, a variety of sounds, facial expressions, and gestures. For example, anger causes many people to frown, make a fist, and yell. People learn ways of showing some of their emotions from members of their society, though heredity (遗传) may determine some emotional behavior. Research has shown that different isolated peoples show emotions by means of similar facial expressions. Charles Darwin, famous for the theory of natural selection, also studied emotion. Darwin said in 1872 that emotional behavior originally served both as an aid to survival and as a method of communicating intentions. According to the James-La A. arouse readers’ interest in emotional behaviors B. help readers enjoy pleasant emotions C. outline the development of theories about emotions D. analyze various emotions and physical changes [单选题]某企业为增值税一般纳税人,根据税务机关规定每5天预缴一次增值税。2017年3月当期进项税额为40万元,销项税额为90万元,已经预缴的增值税60万元,则月末企业的会计处理应为( )。
A.借:应交税费——未交增值税 100000
贷:应交税费——应交增值税(转出未交增值税) 100000
B.借:应交税费——应交增值税(转出多交增值税) 100000
贷:应交税费——未交增值税 100000
A.借:应交税费——应交增值税(转出未交增值税) 100000 B. 贷:应交税费——未交增值税 100000 C.借:应交税费——未交增值税 100000 D. 贷:应交税费——应交增值税(转出多交增值税) 100000 [单选题]电压互感器二次熔断器熔断时间应( )。
A.小于1s; B.小于0.5s; C.小于0.1s; D.小于保护动作时间。 我来回答: 提交