"Avoid the rush-hour" must be the
slogan of large cities the world over. Whenever you look, it’s people, people,
people. The streets are so crowded, there is hardly room to move; when a bus
arrives, it’s so full, it can’t take any more passengers. The extraordinary
thing is not that people put up with (忍受,容忍) these conditions, but that they
actually choose them in preference to anything else. Large modern cities are too big to control. They impose their own living conditions on the people who inhabit them. It is possible to live such an air conditioned existence in a large city that you are barely conscious of the seasons. What is going on in nature seems totally irrelevant. Even the distinction between day and night is lost. The funny thing about it all is that you pay dearly for the "privilege" of living in a city. The demand for acco A. crime rate B. disadvantage of living in cities C. advantage of living in cities D. constant threat [简答题]自主学习
[单项选择]在以下有关硬盘存储器的描述中,错误的是【 】。
A. 目前台式PC机使用的硬盘接口电路主要是IDE(E-IDE)接口 B. 硬盘的数据传输率中内部传输速率比外部传输速率大,所以外部传输速率的高低才是评价一个硬盘整体性能的决定性因素 C. 硬盘的平均访问时间与磁头的寻道时间和盘片转速有关 D. 硬盘存储器中的Cache能有效提高硬盘的数据传输性能,一般Cache是越快越好,越大越好 [单选题]当伤员手部大出血时,应该选用( )止血方法。
A.指压桡.尺动脉 B.指压肱动脉 C.指压指(趾)动脉 D.指压股动脉 [单项选择]()要开掘在易于维护的岩层内。
A. 井底车场 B. 采区煤仓 C. 运输大巷 [单项选择]下颌第一磨牙髓角的高度是()
A. 近中舌侧髓角最高 B. 近中颊侧髓角最高 C. 远中舌侧髓角最高 D. 远中颊侧髓角最高 E. 4个髓角高度相同 [单项选择]临床查体鉴别气胸与胸腔积液的关键点是()
A. 视诊胸部形态 B. 触诊气管位置 C. 触诊语颤 D. 叩诊音响 E. 听诊呼吸音 [判断题]任何情况下线岔定位拉出值不大于450mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]属于人民法院对公民、法人或其他组织采取的强制执行方式的有( )。
A.划拨存款、汇款 B.加处罚款或者滞纳金 C.拍卖或者依法处理查封、扣押的场所、设施或者财物 D.代履行 E.限制公民人身自由 [填空题]CRH380BL型动车组01/00车拆卸撒砂装置<--NRC-->螺栓。
[单选题]消化食物最重要的场所是( )
A.口腔 B.食管 C.胃 D.小肠 [多选题]碱性熔渣采用在焊条药皮中同时加入( )进行脱氧。
A.锰铁 B.钙化物 C.氟化物 D.硅铁 [简答题]简述组合式空调器的功能段组成?
[单项选择]“直上直下、自重切土”是( )挖土机的挖土特点。
A. 拉铲 B. 正铲 C. 反铲 D. 抓铲 [判断题]投入蒸汽吹灰器前应进行充分疏水,确保吹灰要求的蒸汽温度。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,某女,21岁,症见鼻衄,牙龈出血,皮下瘀斑,气短乏力,神疲倦怠,面色咣白,食少便溏,心悸,夜寐不安,舌质淡红,脉细无力。治法应为( )
A. 补益肾气 固摄止血 B. 补中健脾 益气摄血 C. 滋阴降火 宁络止血 D. 补脾益肾 益气摄血 E. 益气养阴 养血止血 [简答题]各类设备故障的调查、抢修救援工作,应本着什么样的原则进行?
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