Everything he saw was distasteful to
him. He hated the blue and white, the hum and heat of the south; the landscape
seemed to him as hard and as romantic as a cardboard background on the stage,
and the mountain but a wooden screen against a sheet painted blue. Two roads led out ofthe town; one branched off towards the Ambroses’ villa, the other struck into the country, eventually reaching a village on the plain, but many footpaths led off from it, across great dry fields, to scattered farm-houses. Hewet stepped off the road on to one of these, in order to avoid the hardness and heat of the main road, the dust of which was always being raised in small clouds by carts and ramshackle flies which carried parties of festive peasants, or turkeys swelling unevenly like a bundle of air balls beneath a net. A. Hewet was in love with Rachel but he did not want to marry her. B. Hewet saw in his mind unpleasant pictures of married couples. C. Hewet believed married women were worse than married men. D. Hewet’s most individual and humane friends were not married. [单项选择]班主任孙老师经常对学生说:"知识改变命运,分数才是硬道理。"他自己出钱设立了"班主任基金",用于奖励每学期末前三名的学生,孙老师的做法()。
A. 正确,物质奖励具有良好的激励作用 B. 不正确,考试成绩不能衡量学生的综合素质 C. 正确,考试成绩是衡量学生的重要依据 D. 不正确,考试成绩不是评价学生的唯一指标 [判断题]电路中任一网孔都是回路。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]经有资质的检测鉴定达不到设计要求,但经原设计单位核算认可能够满足结构安全和使用功能的检验批,可( )。
A. 予以验收 B. 重新验收 C. 严禁验收 D. 等待验收 [简答题]“基础工作”的内涵是什么?
[多选题]客户投诉中重要投诉包括 。
A.一般投诉。 B.非因客户原因造成的二次投诉。 C.短时间内不同客户对于同类事件的集中投诉。 D.被媒体关注的投诉。 [多项选择]需要进行国民经济评价的项目是( )。
A. 盈利能力明显的项目 B. 偿债能力强的项目 C. 基础设施项目 D. 外部效果非常显著的项目 E. 公益性项目 [判断题]35 kV及50MVA以上或的油浸变压器、电抗器安装前应依据安装使用说明书编写安全施工措施,并进行交底。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]国家电网公司信息系统数据备份与管理规定,对于关键业务系统,每年应至少进行( )备份数据的恢复演练。
A.一次 B.两次 C.三次 D.四次 [单项选择]怀疑为急性肝炎时,应做的检查()
A. 血清胆碱脂酶 B. ALT C. 血清GGT D. 血清ALP E. 血清胆固醇 [判断题]支队的基本队形共有5种队形
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]消防救援人员外出,必须按级请假,履行审批手续,按时归队销假。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]保证操作系统的安全是网管的第一要务,通过()可以针对Linux操作系统进行有效的安全加固,从而为其他应用构筑最基础的安全平台。
A. 使用GRUB口令 B. 打开密码的password支持功能 C. 删除除root外的所有帐户 D. 禁止随意通过su命令将普通用户改变为root用户 [简答题] 进站、通过、接近、遮断信号机显示距离不得小于____________米。
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