Starting with his review of Skinner’s Verbal Behavior, Noam Chomsky had led the psycholinguists who argue that man has developed an innate (天生的) capacity for dealing with the linguistic universals common to all languages. Experience and learning then provide only information about the (1) instances of those universal aspects of language which are needed to communicate with other people within a particular language (2) .
This linguistic approach (3) the view that language is built upon learned associations between words. What is learned is not strings of words per se (本身), but (4) rules that enable a speaker to (5) an infinite variety of novel sentences. (6) single words are learned as concepts: they do not stand in a one-to-one (7) with the particular thing signified, but (8) all members of a general class.
This view of the innate aspect of language learning is at first not readily (9) into exis
A. had
B. should
C. were
D. be
汽车式起重机/t | 吊车臂长/m | 作业半径/m | 额定负荷/t |
200 | 24.4 | 9 | 71 |
170 | 22.7 | 7 | 75.5<
The evolution of artificial intelligence is now proceeding so rapidly that (26) the middle of this century cheap computers (27) larger than portable typewriters will (28) that will be able to solve almost any (29) faster and more efficiently than we can. "Intelligence" in a machine, (30) in a human, is best (31) as the ability to solve complex problems swiftly. This (32) involve medical analysis and prescriptions, (33) legal matters— (34) short, replacing the profession of lawyers completely or in (35) war games: in other words, (36) governments whether (37) not to go to war. (38) computers have already intensified the deadlines of weapons, the prospect is that they will (39) the more beneficial role of preventing wars. (40) asked to estimate the chances of victory, the computer will analyze facts (41) from the lifelong mil [单选题]特快货物班列车辆运行途中遇车辆空气弹簧故障时,运行速度不得超过()。
A.60km/h B.80km/h C.120km/h D.140km/h [不定项选择题]患者术后,给予肠外营养液10%GS500ml、50%GS250ml、20%脂肪乳250ml、8.5%复方氨基酸750ml、水溶性维生素10ml、脂溶性维生素10ml、微量元素10ml、10%氯化钠注射液40ml、10%氯化钾注射液30ml
A.200kcal B.450kcal C.700kcal D.1150kcal E.1550kcal [多选题](2016年) 在建设工程施工合同中,承担违约责任的种类有( )。
A.滞纳金 B.继续履行 C.罚款 D.采取补救措施 E.赔偿精神损失 [单选题]个人网银客户若Ukey丢失或损坏,不能继续使用时,柜员需通过Ukey管理交易进行( )操作。
A.重换 B.补发 C.作废 D.更新 [判断题]反应注水采用的是无盐水。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]站用直流电源系统运维细则规定,下列哪些情况应按蓄电池容量不合格处理的有( )
A.蓄电池内阻异常$ B.$蓄电池组容量低于额定容量的80%$ C.$电池电压异常$ D.$蓄电池组容量低于额定容量的90% [单选题]理论知识认定要素细目表的内容有( )。
A.形状参数 B.规范结构 C.层次结构 [多选题]安全生产工作的好坏关系到()和国家形象。因此,必须把安全生产提高到政治的高度来对待。
A.社会稳定 B.职工切身利益 C.企业形象 D.政府形象 我来回答: 提交