In an uncritical August 11, 1997, World News Tonight report on "diamagnetic therapy," a physical therapist explained that "magnets are another form of electric energy that we now think has a powerful effect on bodies." A fellow selling $ 89 magnets proclaimed: "All humans are magnetic. Every cell has a positive and negative side of it."
On the positive side, these magnets are so weak that they cause no harm. On the negative side, these magnets do have the remarkable power of attracting the pocketbooks of gullible Americans to the tune of about $ 300 million a year. They range in scale from coin- sized patches to mattresses, and their curative powers are said to be nearly limitless, based on the premise that magnetic fields increase blood circulation and enrich oxygen supplies because of the iron pressure in the blood.
This is fantastic flapdoodle and a financial flimflam. Iron atoms in a magnet are crammed together in a solid s
A. They are squeezed in a solid state about one atom apart from one another.
B. They are dispersed far away from each other.
C. They are only four in our blood scattered to each hemoglobin molecule.
D. They are easily rested by placing a drop of our blood in our finger next to a magnet.
Camille and Mike Geraldi are married
and live with their children near Miami, Florida in the U.S.A. Mike is a doctor.
Camille is a housewife and former nurse. They sound like an average family. In
some ways they are, but in many ways they are not. Tile average family in the U.S. has two or three children. The Geraldis have seventeen children. That is not all. Fifteen of these seventeen children are adopted children between the ages of one and nine. Each of the adopted children has a severe physical or mental disability (丧失能力). A day with the Geraldi family is not average. Camille wakes up before dawn. She and three helpers wake, wash, dress, and feed the seventeen children. After breakfast, eleven of the children go to special schools. At 7:30, Camille takes a nap for two hour A. Dull. B. Full. C. Small. D. Strange. [单选题]事故紧急抢修工作是指电气设备发生故障被迫紧急停止运行,需按计划恢复的抢修和排除故障的工作。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [填空题]以下程序的功能是调用函数fun计算:m=1-2+3-4+…+9-10,并输出结果。请填空。
int fun( int n) int m=0,f=1,i; for (i=1:i<=n;i++) m+=i*f; f=______ ; return m;main( ) printf(“m=%d\n”,______ ); [单选题]新建时速300~350km客运专线有砟桥面梁的徐变上拱度值不宜大于( )
A.A.10mm B.B.15mm C.C.20mm D.D.30mm [单选题](0.25分)【单选题】关于兴奋性突触传递的叙述,错误的是
A.突触前轴突末梢去极化 B.Ca2+由膜外进入突触小体内 C.突触囊泡释放地质,并与突触后膜受体结合 D.突触后膜对Na+、K+,特别是对K+的通透性提高 E.突触后膜电位达到阔电位时,引起突触后神经元兴奋 [判断题]总结的具有“本体性”的特点,这一特点使总结能够真实反映自身工作的独特性和独创性,令人信服。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]"恶心、呕吐"所属的是()
A. 体征 B. 状态 C. 症状 D. 病 E. 证候 [单选题]慢性病三级预防措施是
A. 病因预防、“三早”预防、对症防治 B. 病因预防、“三早”预防、心理治疗 C. 普查发现、早治疗、预防并发症 D. 普查发现、早治疗、对症防治 E. 普查发现、对症防治、心理治疗 [单选题]根据10kV架空线路抗冰典型设计湖南省电力有限公司实施方案,典型设计绝缘导线的适用档距不超过( )m
A.90 B.80 C.70 D.60 [多选题]洗消器材中我们可能遇到的有()。 ( )
A.单人洗消帐篷 B.有机磷降解酶 C.生化洗消装置 D.防爆输转泵 [单选题]理想信念的实践性是指人们的理想信念( )。
A.包含着人们的行动意志,是一个从精神向行动的转变过程 B.存在于人的内心深处,属于一种精神现象 C.是一种纯粹的主观现象和静止的精神状态 D.在阶级社会里会被打上阶级的烙印 [单项选择]对价格的定义,第一种“是为获得一种商品或劳务所必须付出的东西”讲的是现象,第二种“是商品价值的货币表现”讲的是本质。对于房地产估价来说,主要是从( )上把握房地产价格的“数量”。
A. 货币支付 B. 价值 C. 现象 D. 本质 [单项选择]兴奋在神经肌肉节点的传递中,下列哪项的特点是兴奋只能由神经末梢传向肌肉而不能相反?()
A. 化学传递 B. 单向传递 C. 时间延搁 D. 高敏感性 [多选题]马某委托同乡村民李某将一些药品带回老家交给马某妻子李某在途中将药品卖掉得款1万元人民币其用其中的500元购买了假币第二天李某准备再行购买假币时被公安机关抓获以下说法正确的是(??)。
A.马某的损失可以通过民事诉讼途径解决 B.公安机关应将赃款1万元予以没收 C.公安机关应将1万元返还马某 D.公安机关应没收李某已购得的假币并将剩余9500元返还马某 [单选题](单选题)在新民主主义革命中,民主党派的奋斗目标不包括( )。
A.建立资产阶级共和国 B.实现民主与和平 C.建立民主联合政府 D.消灭剥削制度 [单选题]炸制品的特点是:外酥内( )、松发、膨胀、香脆、色泽金黄等。
A.软 B.韧 C.嫩 D.松 [填空题]有总断路器(开关)和分路断路器(开关)的回路停电,应先()分路断路器(开关),后()总断路器(开关)。送电操作顺序与此相反。
[判断题] 调度员培训模拟系统提供对调度员进行正常操作.事故处理及系统恢复的训练。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Visiting to an authentic (正宗的) Mexican restaurant is a good way to discover the richness of Mexican cuisine. To begin, you may order some tasty appetizers like cheese quesadillas. For the next course, you can’t miss a chicken chimichanga, which has a delicious, mild flavor. Another choice is a beef enchilada. Covered with spicy tomato sauce and topped with cheese, it will set your taste buds dancing.
To complete your Mexican meal, try a scoop of fried ice cream. Besides cooling you down, it will leave you wondering how the cook managed to deep fry the ice cream without melting it. In ancient times, ______ was the most important food for Indians of the area that is now Mexico. A. chicken B. beef C. beans D. corn [单项选择]在vim命令模式中,输入5G表示()。
A. 将光标移到第5行的行尾 B. 将光标移到第5行的行首 C. 将光标移到本行的的第五个字符前 D. 将光标移到本行的的第五个字符后 [单选题]铁路局电务处、电务(通信)段应健全和明晰各层级、各岗位安全管理职责,建立和完善安全管理基本制度,健全安全风险管控机制,按照( )的要求,推行安全管理规范化,不断夯实电务安全工作基础,实现电务安全生产持续稳定。
A.遵章守纪、规范管理 B.安全第一、预防为主 C.管理规范化、作业标准化 D.逐级负责、专业负责、分工负责、岗位负责 我来回答: 提交