Marianne Hardwick was timid and
unadventurous, her vitality consumed by physical activity and longing, here
intelligence by indecisiveness, but this had less to do with the innate
characteristics of her weaker sex (as her father, Creighton Montgomery, called
it) than with the enfeebling circumstances of here upbringing. Creighion
Montgomery had enough money to mould his daughters according to his
misconceptions: girls were not meant to fend for themselves so he protected them
from life. Which is to say that Marianne Montgomery grew up without making any
vital choices for herself. Prevented from acquiring the habits of freedom and
strength of character which grow from decision-making, very rich girls, whose
parents have the means to protect them in such a crippling fashion, are the last
representatives of Vic A. little opportunity to develop according to their own inclinations. B. more opportunity to develop according to their own inclinations than ordinary children. C. as much opportunity to develop according to their own inclinations as ordinary children. D. absolute opportunity to develop according to their own inclinations. [多项选择]下列指标( ),表示方案在经济上可以考虑接受。
A. R≥Rc B. Pt≥Pc C. NPV≥0 D. NAV≥0 E. IRR≥i c [判断题]三相交流电路的功率和单相交流电路的功率一样,都有有功功率、无功功率和视在功率之分。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用人单位违反劳动法律、法规和劳动合同、集体合同的,()有权提出意见或者要求纠正;劳动者申请仲裁、提起诉讼的,()依法给予支持和帮助。( )
A.工会、劳动工资 B.工会、工会 C.工会、企业管理部门 [判断题](红线)国家监察、地方监管部门检查发现违反上述安全生产红线,责任单位承担监察文书考核罚款的30%,并追究相关人员的行政责任;造成生产安全事故的,按照事故调查处理执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电流互感器本体或引线接头严重过热,应申请将变压器停运
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交