{{B}}Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents Differently{{/B}} Male pilots flying general aviation (private) aircraft in the United States are more likely to crash due to inattention or flawed decision-making. While female pilots are more likely to crash from mishandling the aircraft. These are the results of a study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. The study identifies the differences between male and female pilots in terms of circumstances of the crash and the type of pilots error involved. "Crashes of general aviation aircraft account for 85 percent of all aviation deaths in the United States. The crash rate for male pilots, as for motor vehicle drivers, exceeds that of crashes of female pilots," explains Susan P. Baker, MPH, professor of health policy and m A. female pilots are found to be more courageous and risk-taking B. male pilots are found to be more professional and attentive C. female pilots are found to make more errors out of carelessness D. male pilots are found to make more errors in decision-making [单选题]每辆换算闸瓦压力(kN)普通货车(23t轴重)重车位( )
A.145 B.160 C.165 D.170 [单选题]下面可以发放在紧急出口的旅客是( )
A.儿童旅客 B.老年旅客 C.病残旅客 D.精通汉语的外宾 [填空题]资产负债表的填列依据是分类账期初余额和()。
A.所有的 B.多余的 C.自装的 D.保护 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]重度浸润性突眼伴甲亢患者的最佳治疗是()
A. 甲状腺次全切除术 B. 放射性131I治疗 C. 偏大量的抗甲状腺药物(如他巴唑等) D. 偏小量的抗甲状腺药物 E. 小量心得安 [单项选择]If we take a close look at successful language learners, we may discover a few techniques (技巧) which makes language learning easier for them.
(16) , successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on (依赖) books or teachers; they (17) their own way to learn the language. They try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves, (18) waiting for the teacher to explain everything. They are good guessers who look for clues to form their (19) conclusions which are very different from others’. Successful language learning is (20) learning. Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they (21) such a chance. They find people who speak the language and ask these people to correct them (22) they make mistakes. They will try anything to communicate. When communication is difficult, they can (23) information that is incomplete (不完整的). It is more important f A. instead of B. after C. because of D. from [简答题]企业实施需求差别定价法应具备的条件?
A.建议穿刺工具具有防止针刺伤的保护装置 B.适用范围:输液时间长、输液量较多的患者;老人、儿童、躁动不安的患者;输全血或血液制品的患者; C.需做糖耐量试验以及连续多次采集血标本的患者 D.适用于输血:用于成人的14-24G和用于儿童和新生儿的22-24G的外周静脉短导管通常可以用于血液或者血液制品的输注 [单选题]某人血浆中含有抗 A抗 B 凝集素,则该人的血型可能是
A.A1 型 B.B 型 C.AB 型 D.A2B 型 E.O 型 [单选题]门禁就地箱可以存储()名人员信息。
A.5000 B.10000 C.20000 D.50000 [单选题]在计算管件及阀门的局部阻力,通常使用( )法计算。
A.阻力 B.相对阻力 C.相对长度 D.当量长度 [单选题]非主战车辆和社会应急联动单位的车辆应安排停靠于火场(),所有车辆停靠要保持安全距离。
A.内侧 B.侧面 C.内围 D.外围 [单项选择]关于颏神经阻滞描述不正确的是()
A. 局部神经毁损药物剂量过大,可造成局部肌肉萎缩 B. 穿刺过深,针尖刺入颏孔易致神经损伤 C. 颏孔位于下颌骨降支的下缘,在同侧瞳孔的垂线上 D. 针尖刺入颏孔,多数患者可出现下唇感觉异常 E. 下唇周围疱疹后神经痛可行颏神经阻滞 [判断题]一张工作票中,工作票签发人、工作负责人和工作许可人三者不得互相兼任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]军事设施发生火灾需要消防救援机构协助调查的,由( )人民政府消防救援机构或者( )调派火灾事故调查专家协助。
A.火灾发生地的市级;省级消防救援机构 B.省级;应急管理部消防局 C.省级;国务院 D.当地;上一级消防救援机构 [简答题]以下是班级成绩处理平台的程序流程图,请仔细阅读程序并完成要求。
该平台允许最多输入100个学生的成绩,以-1作为输入结束标志。N2存放输入的学生成绩个数,NI存放输入成绩中有效成绩的个数,sum存放成绩总和。初始化N2=N1=0,sum=0。计算其中有效的学生分数的个数、总分数和平均值。请针对该程序流程图进行基本路径覆盖测试用例设计。 导出过程的控制流图。 [单选题]10kV交联乙烯电缆绝缘标称厚度为4.5mm,绝缘厚度平均值应不小于标称值,任一最小厚度测量值应不小于标称值的()。
A.0.75 B.0.8 C.0.85 D.0.9 [填空题]钻井井漏时应收集的资料包括发生井漏的起止时间、漏失量、井深、层位、( ),发生井漏时钻井液的性能、槽池面情况,井漏处理措施及处理情况。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题] 机动车驾驶人在实习期内驾驶机动车不得牵引挂车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用绝缘电阻表测量高压设备绝缘,应由( )进行。
A.A.一人 B.B.两人 C.C.三人 D.D.四人 我来回答: 提交