George Bernard Shaw(1856—1950)was born
in Dublin, Ireland. At the age of 14, after graduating from middle school, Shaw
was put into a job as clerk in a land agent’s office. At 20 he went to London
where he remained jobless for 9 years, devoting much time to self-education.
Meantime, Shaw took an active part in the socialist movement. A contemporary of
Shaw’s thus wrote of him: "I used to be a daily frequenter of the British Museum
Reading Room. Even more assiduous in his attendance was a young man. ...My
curiosity was piqued by the odd conjunction of his subjects of research. Day
after day for weeks he had before him two books—Karl Marx’s ’Das Kapital’ (in
French), and an orchestral score(管弦乐乐谱) of ’Tristan and Isolde’." Though Shaw admitted Marx’s great influence on him, he failed to grasp the necessity of a revolutionary reconstruc A. by either the structures of plots or the brilliant dialogues between the characters B. by the brilliant dialogues between the characters better than by the structures of plots C. by both the brilliant plots and dialogues equally D. by the brilliant dialogues between the characters instead of by the structures of plots [单项选择]超高速CT扫描系指()
A. 螺旋CT扫描 B. 动态序列扫描 C. 快速连续进床扫描 D. 电子束CT扫描 E. 非螺旋CT扫描 [单选题]颅脑损伤观察及护理,哪项是错误的( )
A.密切观察意识瞳孔变化 B.抬高头15—30度 C.保持呼吸道通畅,必要时气管切开 D.躁动时可酌情使用少量吗啡 [简答题]前功尽弃
A. 中央处理器故障 B. 操作系统故障 C. 突然停电 D. 瞬时的强磁场干扰 [单选题]上海局集团公司规定的施工邻线限速标准中,高速铁路(含高速铁路线路名称起讫点范围内按普速铁路管理的区段)应限速( )km/h。
A.45 B.60 C.80 D.100 [单选题]某甲,16周岁,一审被判有期徒刑5年。其父不服一审判决,但未与某甲商量即提起上诉。对某甲父亲的上诉行为,以下说法正确的是:()
A.无效,因其无上诉权 B.无效,因其未征得某甲的同意 C.有效,因其有独立上诉权,无需征得某甲的同意 D.有效,因其已经征得某甲母亲的同意 [单选题]在心理社会模式的非反思性直接治疗技巧中,服务对象与社会工作者之间的关系为( )。
A.社会工作者直接提供服务,服务对象可以主动选择 B.社会工作者直接提供服务,服务对象只能被动服从 C.社会工作者必须首先关注服务对象的内心感受和想法 D.社会工作者与服务对象是完全平等的,没有主动与被动之分 [单项选择]公司所选配机型的PBE使用时间为()分钟.
A. 15 B. 20 C. 25 D. 30 [多项选择]销售组织的职责包括()。
A. 寻找客户 B. 客户关系管理 C. 制定销售目标 D. 销售风险管理 我来回答: 提交