Oceanography has been defined as "The
application of all sciences to the study of the sea." Before the nineteenth century, scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between. Certainly Newton considered some theoretical aspects of it in his writings, but he was reluctant to go to sea to further his work. For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental travellers or others who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it, let alone to ask what lay beneath the surface. The first time that the question "What is at the bottom of the oceans " had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. The engineers had to know the depth profile (起伏形状) of the route to esti A. the American Navy B. some early intercontinental travelers C. those who earned a living from the sea D. the company which proposed to lay an undersea cable [简答题]万能转换开关由、触头系统和定位装置等部分组成。
Visitors to this country are normally admitted for six months, but foreign students can usually stay for one year. They must (54) an educational institution, and they are required to study for a (55) of fifteen hours a week on a daytime course. Prospective students have to show that they can afford their studies, and that they have sufficient (56) resources to support themselves (57) in this country. [判断题]坚持以人民为中心,专门工作和群众路线相结合,维护人民群众合法权益。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]兽药残留于动物性食品中可引起慢性中毒,大剂量使用喹诺酮类药物可导致()
A. 肝损害 B. 肾损害 C. 再生障碍性贫血 D. 耳蜗听神经损伤 E. 前庭功能障碍 [单项选择]The Chinese New Year is a big traditional holiday in Singapore. On its Eve, while many will (67) for the reunion dinner, others will head for the airport or train station to "flee" (68) such festivities. With a (69) number of Singaporeans going on overseas tours during this time, the Chinese New Year holiday has in recent years become a (70) season for travel agents, (71) it Used to be a lull period for them. Isn’t Chinese New Year the (72) important traditional festival for the Chinese Well, for those who choose to (73) flight, it means an opportunity to enjoy a holiday out of the country. The concern is, if even Chinese New Year can be (74) , what other traditional festivals cannot be disregarded Why do we need to (75) traditional festivals Firstly, they are inseparable from our ethnic identity. The Chinese, Malays and Indians all have their own traditional festivals (76) which they derive "a sense
A. from B. to C. on D. like [多项选择]在国民经济核算中,按收入法计算GDP的组成部分包括()。
A. 租金 B. 投资 C. 间接税 D. 折旧 E. 利润 [单项选择]在Access 2003中,保存数据库时可选择的保存类型不包括______。
A. 窗体 B. 报表 C. 数据访问页 D. 网页 [单选题]以下不属于城市投资建设公司的是()。
A.建设投资公司 B.建设开发公司 C.投资开发公司 D.资产运营公司 [填空题]计算气缸套圆柱度应不大于( )。
A.永久保管 B.定期保管 C.不定期保管 D.随意保管 [多项选择]下列属于救生包辅助设备的有()。
A. 漂浮剪 B. 人工充气泵 C. 修补钳 D. 信号反射镜 [填空题]()年制定的()是欧洲第一部成文宪法
[多选题] 属于班组交接班记录的内容是( )。
A.生产运行 B.设备运行 C.出勤情况 D.安全学习 [判断题]2.40 车辆管理所办理机动车驾驶证业务,对申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定形式的,应当一次书面告知申请人需要补正的全部内容。对不符合条件的,应当书面告知理由。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对天然气室息中毒的患者,应采取( )体位放置。
A.俯卧位,面向下 B.仰卧位,面向上 C.仰卧位,头侧向一边 D.侧卧位,头侧向两边 [判断题]( )80 km/h<υmax ≤120 km/h 正线混凝土枕地段,高低在临时补修时静态容许偏差管理值为15mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在160 km/h≥允许速度Vmax>120 km/h的混凝土枕正线线路,轨距静态几何不平顺容许偏差管理值作业验收标准为( )。
A.+3 mm,-2 mm B.±2 mm C.+6 mm,-2 mm D.+4 mm,-2 mm [判断题]( )如将国家禁止、限制运输的物品或危险品伪报其他品名托运或在货件中夹带时,按下列规定处理:在列车上发现时,应编制客运记录,交到站处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]铁路机车车辆的驾驶人员持过期或者失效驾驶证件执业的,由地区铁路监督管理局责令改正,可以处( )元以下的罚款。“违反《条例》处罚办法”第36条
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]含有七叶树素等香豆素类化合物的药材是()
A. 秦皮 B. 厚朴 C. 黄柏 D. 肉桂 E. 杜仲 [单选题]待用间隔(已接上母线的备用间隔)应有(),并纳入调度控制中心管辖范围。其隔离开关(刀闸)操作手柄、网门应能加锁。
A.名称 B.编号 C.名称、编号 D.名称、编号、电压等级 [单选题]沉积岩类中分布最广的岩类是( )。
A.碎屑岩类 B.碳酸盐类 C.泥质岩类 D.化学沉积岩类 [判断题]巡视人员巡视时发现通道内新增环境隐患要现场询问,及时掌握隐患情况,并使用APP拍摄照片,报送环境隐患。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,女,28岁。宫外孕大出血。体格检查:血压10.6/6.7kPa(80/50mmHg),脉搏110次/分,呼吸24次/分,脸色苍白,四肢发冷。需输血400ml。患者的血压是()。
A. 低血压 B. 低血压Ⅰ型 C. 正常血压 D. 高血压 E. 高血压Ⅰ型 [单选题]以下不是急性白血病共同的临床特点有( )
A.进行性贫血 B.发热 C.感染 D.出血倾向 E.肝脾肿大 [判断题]1551定时限电流保护具有动作电流固定不变的特点。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]如此病人置换机械瓣服用华法林,INR应保持在
A. 0.5~1.0 B. 1.0~1.5 C. 1.5~2.0 D. 2.0~2.5 E. 2.5~3.0 [单项选择]客户经理在使用信件进行约访时,应该()自己的名字
A. 打印 B. 手写 C. 盖章 D. 按指纹 [单项选择]九味羌活汤与柴葛解肌汤两方组成中均含有的药物是()
A. 麻黄桂枝 B. 羌活白芷 C. 白芍甘草 D. 黄芩连翘 E. 桔梗芦根 我来回答: 提交