An employer has several choices he can
consider when he wants to hire a new employee. First, he may look within his own
company. But if none of the present employees are suitable for the position, he
will have to look outside the company. If his company has a personnel office, he
can ask them to help find qualified applicants. There are other valuable sources the employer can use, such as employment agencies, professional societies and so on. He can also advertise in the newspapers and magazines and ask prospective candidates to send in resumes. The employer has two kinds of qualifications to consider when he wants to choose from among applicants. He must consider both professional qualifications and personal characteristics. A candidate’s professional qualifications include his education, experience and skills. These can A. the applicant’s professional qualification B. the applicant’s personalities C. the applicant’s education and family background D. both A and B [多选题]某日,一普通消防中队辖区三层建筑档案馆发生火灾,有较多人员被困于3层,该中队现有车辆为轻型中低压泵水罐车、东风泡沫车、斯泰尔水罐车、解放CA141水罐车。接警后,中队调集全部出动力量到达火场。该中队到达现场后,确定救人为火场主要方面。作为第一出动力量,根据火场和中队器材装备情况,在灭火的同时应立即采取的措施是( )。
A.应立即铺设救生气垫 B.利用三节梯或十五米拉梯进行救人 C.准备好自动呼吸复苏器 D.立即组织人员深入火场实施救人 E.加强战斗员个人防护 [简答题]翻译:绝圣弃智,民利百倍;绝仁弃义,民复孝慈;绝巧弃利,盗贼无有。
[单选题]资产评估专业人员应具备一定的专业知识、专业技能和专业经验,这是资产评估准则对评估人员的( )的要求。
A.独立性 B.职业道德 C.专业能力 D.专业评估执业统一准则 [判断题]危险报废物资由废物产生的物资使用管理部门负责并进行现场临时贮存管理,建立专用贮存场所,设置明确危险废物警示标志,不同危险废物分区存放,由专人负责管理和定期检查。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]未经考核,政治机关不得提出任免意见。
[多项选择]矛盾解决的三种基本形式有 ( )
A. 一方战胜另一方 B. 双方同归于尽 C. 矛盾双方的调和 D. 双方融和成一个新事物 [判断题]没有高处作业证,未受过高处作业培训的人员,也可以参加高处作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列应当按照文化创意服务缴纳增值税的有( )。
A.设计服务 B.知识产权服务 C.软件服务 D.广告服务 [单选题]设计速度300km/h,跨度L≤40m梁体在ZK竖向静活载作用下,梁体的竖向挠度不应大于()。
A.L/1600 B.L/1100 C.L/1400 D.L/1500 [单项选择]内壁黑度为ε,温度为T,直径为D的空腔黑体,球壁上有一直径为d(d<<D)的小孔,该空腔通过小孔向外辐射的能量为( )。
A. εσbT4πD2/4 B. σbT4πD2/4 C. εσbT4πd2/4 D. σbT4πd2/4 [单选题]禁止地电位作业人员直接向进入电场的作业人员传递非绝缘物件。上、下传递工具、材料均应使用()绑扎,严禁抛掷。
A. A.钢丝 B.B.扎带 C.C.绝缘绳 D.D.白布带 [单项选择]使用电影、电视、录象等进行健康教育的形式属于()。
A. 语言教育 B. 形象教育 C. 电化教育 D. 综合教育 E. 群体教育 [单选题]诊断接触性皮炎的最简单可靠的方法为 ( ) ? ( 1.0 分)
A.皮试 B.检查血清中抗原 C.检查血清中抗体 D.皮肤病理检测 E.斑贴试验 [多选题]工程录井要求,绘制地层压力曲线,其参数包括:()钻井液循环当量密度、地层压力梯度、地层破裂压力梯度。
A.井深 B.钻时 C.泥页)岩地层可钻性指数 D.泥 E.lue [单项选择]在要约收购上市公司方式下,收购人在依照规定报送上市公司收购报告书并公告收购要约后,即可在收购要约的期限内实施收购。根据《证券法》的规定,收购要约的期限为( )。
A. 不得少于15日,并不得超过30日 B. 不得少于15日,并不得超过60日 C. 不得少于30日,并不得超过60日 D. 不得少于30日,并不得超过90日 [单项选择]CT基本设备不包括( )
A. 扫描架扫描床和X线发生系统 B. 计算机和数据采集阵列处理系统 C. 操作台和图像显示系统 D. 独立诊断台和独立计算机设备系统 E. 照相机和其他用于资料的存储设备 [判断题]大堂经理在识别引导和客户服务时,可以使用方言。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]反转突破形态不包括______。
A. K线形态 B. 圆弧顶(底)形态 C. 双重顶(底)形态 D. V形反转形态 [单选题] 806 下列人员中,未规定"连续任职不得超过两届"限制的是()。
A.最高人民法院副院长 B.最高人民检察院副检察长 C.国务委员 D.中央军事委员会主席 [单选题]女性,68岁,发现尿色加深3个月。查体黄疸明显,腹部查体发现库瓦西耶(Courvoisier)征阳性,此时最有可能的诊断是
A.肝硬化 B.胰腺癌 C.胃癌 D.急性胆囊炎 E.急性肝炎 [单选题]某城市公共基础设施项目,包括房建、市政、绿化等工程,采用施工总承包公开招标。由于项目规模较大,预计有兴趣参与投标的单位超过100家。本项目比较适合的资格审查方法是( )。
A.以合格制进行资格预审 B.以有限数量制进行资格预审 C.以合格制进行资格后审 D.以有限数量制进行资格后审 [不定项选择题]共用题干
The Storyteller
1 Steven Spielberg has always had one goal:to tell as many interesting stories to as many people as possible.The son of a computer scientist and a pianist,Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and then Arizona.Some of his childhood memories became the inspiration for his filmmaking. 2 Even decades later,Spielberg says he has vivid memories of his earliest years,which are the origins of some of his most successful films.He believes that the result of the difficult years leading up to his parent ' 5 1966 divorce.He commented,"It is really about a young boy who was in search of some stability in his life."Close Encounters of the Third Kind was inspired by times when the four-year-old Steven and his father would search the skies for meteors(流星).His mother remembers,"He was scared of just about everything.When trees brushed against the house,he would jump into my bad.And that'5 just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Poltergeist." 3 Spielberg was 1 1 when he first got his hands on his dad'5 movie camera and began shooting short flicks(电影)about flying saucers(飞碟)and World War II battles.These homemade movies gave him a way to escape his fears.From the very beginning,he had a creative imagination.With his talent for scary storytelling, he could terrify his three younger sisters.It also made it easier for him to make friendships.On Boy Scout camping trips,when night fell,young Steven became the center of attention."Steven would start telling his ghost stories,"says Richard Y.Hoffman.Jr.,leader of Troop 294,"and everyone would suddenly get quiet so hat they could all hear." 4 Spielberg moved to California with his father and went to high school there,but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated.Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him,so he entered California State University at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood.Spielberg was determined to make movies,and he managed to get an unpaid, non-credit internship(实习)in Hollywood.Soon he was given a contract, and he dropped out of college.He never looked back. 5 Now,many years later,Spielberg is still telling stories with as much passion as when he was a boy.Ask him where he gets his ideas,and Spielberg will shrug."The process for me is mostly intuitive,"he says."There are films that I feel that I need to make.And it's for a variety of reasons,for personal reasons,or because I just want to have fun.Or maybe because the subject matter is cool,and I think that my kids will like it." When Spielberg was a boy,he used to be scared of_______ A.making children laugh B.almost everything C.a lot of money D.his childhood memories E.telling scary stories F.a number of reasons [单选题]存款单位可就同一账户内容申请()单位存款证明书,农业银行对每份证明书按有关规定收取手续费。
A.只能开具1份 B.只能开具10份 C.只能开具20份 D.开具多份 [单选题] ()于交接班或作业前要认真组织调车人员、司机对无线调车灯显设备检查试机。
A.车站调度员 B.调车区长 C.车站值班员 D.调车长 我来回答: 提交