The ability to negotiate successfully, to reach
agreements with other people or parties, is a key skill in any business. This
negotiation could be with a buyer or seller and it almost always involves an
element of compromise. But, when entering negotiations, you should always keep
in mind that it is almost impossible to negotiate and make agreements
successfully if you think you can’t afford to ’lose’ or walk away from what is
on offer. This will result in your avoiding asking for anything more than what
you think the other side will give without a dispute. You become a passive
observer, with the other side dictating the terms. In most negotiations A. You should not ask for too much. B. You shouldn’t feel you have to accept the proposed deal. C. It is better not to be too aggressive in negotiations. D. You should have many different offers ready. [单项选择]在不考虑传动中的()时,平带传动的传动比可用从动轮和主动轮直径之比计算。
A. 弹性滑动 B. 弹性形变 C. 塑性形变 D. 滑动摩擦 [单项选择]在国际航空货物运输中,下列()属于非公布直达运价。
A. 普通货物运价 B. 等级货物运价 C. 分段相加运价 D. 集装货物运价 [单项选择]同时供电的两回路及以上的供配电线路中,当一回路中断供电时,其余线路( )能满足全部一级负荷及二级负荷。
A. 必须 B. 应 C. 宜 D. 不应 [单选题]现场探伤作业,仪器电压无指示的应急检查办法是( )。
A.检查保险管和更换电源线 B.调换电池 C.调换仪器头 D.检查保险管和更换电源线、调换电池、调换仪器头 [判断题]常见骗局有假称回复急事借手机,趁机骗走手机。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]在Visual FoxPro中,使用SQL的CREATE TABLE语句建立数据库表时,使用 【13】 子句说明有效性规则(域完整性规则或字段取值范围)。
A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 25 [单项选择]The largest river in the United Kingdom, which runs 355 kilometres and empties into the Bristol Strait, is______.
A. the Severn River B. the Clyde River C. the Thames River D. the Potomac River [简答题]什么叫生物发生律?了解生物发生律有何重要意义?
A.1500-2500 B.2500-5000 C.5000-6500 D.6500-7500 [单选题]在气焊或气割作业时,为防止火焰进入容器并阻止火焰在管道中蔓延的阻火装置是()。
A.回火装置 B.单向阀 C.阻火器 [单选题]直线型组织结构使用最早,最为( )。
A.A:简单。 B.B:复杂。 C.C:科学。 D.D:直接。 E.略 F.略 [判断题]可以在转动着的高压电动机附属装置回路上进行工作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列( )的爆炸不属于化学爆炸。
A.油桶受热爆炸 B.可燃气体 C.气体钢瓶 答案解析:本题考查的是化学爆炸的种类。化学爆炸包括炸药爆炸、可燃气体爆炸以及可燃粉尘爆炸。 [判断题]企业落实主体责任,认真开展安全风险分级管控和隐患排查治理双重预防工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](单选题)
省联社各部门需要制定规章制度的,应于每年()月底前编制年度计划,提出立项申请,经部门分管领导审核后,由法律合规部进行审查,汇总省联社规章制度年度立项计划,由主任办公会审议、主任签发。 A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 我来回答: 提交