Elizabeth, as they drove along, watched
for the first appearance of Pemberley Woods with some perturbation; and when at
length they turned in at the lodge, her spirits were in a high flutter. The park
was very large, and contained great variety of ground. They entered it in one of
its lowest points, and drove for some time through a beautiful wood, stretching
over a wide extent. Elizabeth’s mind was too full for conversation, but she saw and admired every remarkable spot and point of view. They gradually ascended for half a mile, and then found themselves at the top of a considerable eminence, where the wood ceased, and the eye was instantly caught by Pemberley House, situated on the opposite side of a valley, into which the road, with some abruptness, wound. It was a large, handsome, stone building, s A. She was too nervous to see it clearly. B. She was quite delighted by the elegant scenery. C. She was very scornful at the taste of the owner. D. She was rather annoyed by the false adornment. [填空题]The ’scientific method’ is more a way of describing research than a way of doing it.
[多选题](2013年)关于网络计划关键线路的说法,正确的有( )。
A.单代号网络计划中由关键工作组成的线路 B.总持续时间最长的线路 C.时标网络计划中没有波形线的线路 D.双代号网络计划中没有虚箭线的线路 E.双代号网络计划中由关键节点连成的线路 [单项选择]某进出口公司出口一批商品,已知每箱毛重30kS,体积为0.0482m3,运费计算标准为W/M,10级,则应( )该批出口商品的运费。
A. B.按V.计收 [单选题]下列不是固体物质的燃烧方式是
( )。 A.蒸发燃烧 B.分解燃烧 C.表面燃烧 D.扩散燃烧 [配伍题]带状疱疹的病原体( )|鹅口疮的病原体( )|丹毒的病原体( )
A. 化脓菌 B. 螺旋体 C. 病毒 D. 白色念珠菌 E. 昆虫 [单选题] 144 题, 本小题 1 分
经过端口测试,OLT开放了开放了6个端口,9、21、22、23、80、111、2404,其中(____)为业务端口、其他端口为调试及应用端口。 A. 2404 B. 9 C. 21 D. 111 [单项选择]若某企业的会计科目为三级明细,某科目既有一级科目,又有二级和三级科目,在录入期初余额时( )。
A. 只需输入一级科目余额 B. 只需输入三级科目余额 C. 输入哪一个科目余额都可 D. 三者都需输入 [单项选择]结核性腹膜炎热型多见的是
A. 弛张热 B. 稽留热 C. 中等热 D. 间歇热 E. 不规则热 [单选题]进入有限空间作业前,作业单位必须编制作业方案并对()进行交底。
A.A.监护人员 B.B.负责人 C.C.作业人员 D.D.所有参与作业人员 [多选题]5号线电客车采用半自动车钩,连挂时不具有( )等功能。
A.紧急停车 B.停放制动 C.司机室对讲 D.司机对客室广播 [判断题]压接管需二次压接时,要压到已压过的地方2mm左右。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )企业网上银行(普及版)主要为客户提供账户()服务。
A.转账 B.在线支付 C.银企互联 D.查询 我来回答: 提交