Passage 2 Capital is at the top of any bank supervisor’s list. The most basic form of capital is equity capital, which is the shareholder’s financial interest or net worth. Equity capital serves several purposes: it provides a permanent source of revenue for the shareholders and funding for the bank; it is available to bear risk and absorb losses; it provides a base for further growth; and it gives the share-holders reason to ensure that the bank is managed in a safe and sound manner. Minimum capital adequacy ratios are necessary to reduce the risk of loss to depositors, creditors and other stakeholders of the bank and to help supervisors pursue the overall stability of the banking industry. Basle Committee’s "core principles for effective banking supervision" require that supervisions set prudent and appropriate minimum capita A. Capital B. Restrictions on banks’ operations C. Supervision D. Capital adequacy [单选题]王某,女,30岁,诊断为血小板减少性紫癜。护士观察口腔时发生唇及口腔黏膜散在瘀点,轻触可出血。护士为其做口腔护理时应特别注意
A.夹紧棉球 B.禁忌漱口 C.动作轻柔 D.先取下义齿 E.棉球不可过湿 [单项选择]下列选项中不是国际法基本原则的是( )。
A. 国家主权平等原则 B. 不使用威胁或武力原则 C. 可以合法使用威胁或武力原则 D. 和平解决国际争端原则 [单项选择]女性,45岁,反复发作性头痛、心悸、恶心3年,发作对面色苍白,血压升高,最高时达240/135mmHg,平时血压正常。患者在试验过程中出现血压升高达200/120mmHg,心率130次/分,此时的处理是()
A. 立即静脉缓慢推注酚妥拉明1~5mg。同时密切观察血压。 B. 立即静脉缓慢推注普萘洛尔10mg C. 哌唑嗪1mg口服 D. 酚妥拉明10~15mg溶于5%葡萄糖生理盐水500ml中缓慢静脉滴注 E. 酚苄明10mg口服 [单选题]单选题】【2.00分】【概念理解】
在SQL Server中,SELECT语句执行的结果是( ) A.数据项 B.元组 C.表 D.视图 [简答题]什么是供应链管理?实施供应链管理应遵循哪些原则?
[单选题]线路允许速度 Vmax≤120km/h,钢轨接头顶面或内错牙大于(??? )时,应及时处理。
A.0.5 ㎜ B.1.5 ㎜ C.1mm D.2 ㎜ 我来回答: 提交