Was the man we know as Shakespeare
really the author of the Shakespearean Works—his comedies and his tragedies Did
he really write the{{U}} (67) {{/U}}, or was he just a man that got
confused There is not even a correct{{U}} (68) {{/U}}of this man’s
name. Shakespeare, Shakespeare, and Shaxpere are{{U}} (69) {{/U}}of
variations. Shakespeare was both fact and fiction. He was nobody’s concern{{U}}
(70) {{/U}}nearly two hundred years after he perished, and there is
still no definite conclusion{{U}} (71) {{/U}}this mystery. There is
another man that can be{{U}} (72) {{/U}}to the works of Shakespeare. His
name is Edward DeVere, the 17th Earl of Oxford. The man known as Shakespeare
does not{{U}} (73) {{/U}}perfectly into the necessary criteria to{{U}}
(74) {{/U}}the author of these works. Thomas Looney established a
series of criteria A. owing to B. so long as C. so far as D. in order to [单选题]链霉素和红霉素抗菌作用针对的细菌结构部位是
A.细胞壁上肽聚糖 B.细胞壁上脂多糖 C.细胞质中核蛋白体 D.细胞膜上中介体 E.细胞染色体DNA [单选题]为了减少呼吸道分泌物,吸入性麻醉前应给病人使用
A.地西泮 B.吗啡 C.哌替啶 D.阿托品 E.苯巴比妥钠 [多选题]下列关于工商企业控股模式的说法中,正确的有( )。
A.控股方为非金融机构的工商企业集团 B.控股方全资拥有或者控股一些包括银行、证券、保险、金融服务公司以及非金融性实体在内的附属公司或予公司 C.海航集团和宝钢集团属于工商企业控股模式 D.控股方为工商银行 E.工商企业控股模式属于商业银行综合化经营的模式 [单选题] 氧气胶管为( )色,内径为 8mm;乙炔胶管为红色,内径为 10mm。
A.蓝色 B.白色 C.黑色 [单项选择]礼仪文书主要有( )。
A. 邀请书 B. 请柬 C. 感谢信和贺信 D. 以上三项都是 [单项选择]It' s no use ringing me up at the office this week because I'm ______
A. by my leave B. at leave C. in holidays D. on holiday 我来回答: 提交