For someone whose life has been
shattered, Hiroshi Shimizu is remarkably calm. In a cramped Tokyo law office,
the subdued, bitter man in his 30s—using an assumed name for the interview
relates how he became infected with the HIV virus from tainted blood products
sold by Japanese hospitals to hemophiliacs during the mid-1980s. "I was raped,"
says Shimizu. "I never thought doctors would give me bad medicine. " last year, Shimizu was shocked when a doctor newly transferred to his hospital broke the news. Four years earlier, he had asked his previous doctor if he could safely marry. "He told me: ’There’s absolutely no problem,’ even though he knew [I was infected]," Shimizu says. "I could have passed it to my wife. " Luckily, he hasn’t. Shimizu is one of more than 2,000 hemophiliacs and their loved ones infected with the deadly vi A. belongs to Japan’s 2,000 hemophiliacs whose loved ones are infected with the deadly virus B. got married with the doctor’s permission because he was not infected in a serious way C. married his wife half a decade ago as he was ignorant of his problem D. caused his wife to get infected with the same deadly virus [单项选择]()不属于随诊工作职责要求。
A. 根据需要制定随诊病种、病例和随诊方式 B. 建立各项随诊登记 C. 制定调查表并实施 D. 根据情况填写随诊计划 E. 及时掌握工作动态 [单选题] "自动开闭器2/4排闭合表示定位时,ZYJ7电液转辙机反位表示线为( )
A.X1 X3 X5 B.X1 X2 X4 C.X2 X3 X4 D.X1 X3 X4" [单项选择]风湿性心脏病脑栓塞治疗应特别注意()
A. 及早用针灸治疗 B. 纠正心房纤颤 C. 防治心功能不全 D. 预防褥疮 E. 用血管扩张药 [多选题]防误闭锁装置管理,下列说法正确的是()。
A.电气设备检修需要解锁操作时,应经防误装置专责人现场批准,并在值班负责人监护下由运维人员进行操作,可使用万能钥匙解锁。 B.高压电气设备的防误闭锁装置因为缺陷不能及时消除,防误功能暂时不能恢复时,可以通过加挂机械锁作为临时措施; C.防误装置解锁工具应封存管理并固定存放,任何人不准随意解除闭锁装置。 D.高压电气设备都应安装完善的防误闭锁装置,装置应保持良好状态 [多选题](第十八条)地面进攻时,分水器阵地通常设置在火势蔓延方向的下风、侧下风室外,有( )等安全风险时应保持足够的安全距离。( )
A.强辐射 B.浓烟 C.倒塌 D.微风 E.天气寒冷 [判断题] 使用超过3m的长绳时,可以酌情加上缓冲器、自锁器或防坠器等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为了保护工程建设活动中从业人员的生命健康,《建设工程安全生产管理条例》规定,建设单位不得压缩( )。
A. 合理工期 B. 合同约定的工期 C. 标准工期 D. 法定工期 我来回答: 提交