There can be no doubt that the computer revolution has touched virtually every person in the country in some way or other.
Nor can there be any doubt that it has brought tremendous improvements in productivity and efficiency. 46) Indeed, there are many tasks undertaken by computers that could not be done without them, and we have reached the point that the benefits of computerization are taken for granted.
Having accepted that computers are here to stay, what is the downside 47) The most obvious answer is that because of increased efficiency, less people are needed and the loss of jobs, particularly in the service industries, has been enormous, with more .job losses yet to come.
However, on a more insidious note, many users have not realized how computers have introduced vulnerability to their business. If computers are soon a boon, how do we cope when something goes wrong
Computers have many uses, varying from pure accounting or back
In most sectors of the economy, it is
the seller who attempts to act a potential buyer with various inducements of
price, quality, and utility, and it is the buyer who makes the decision. In the
health care industry, however, the doctor-patient relationship is a mirror image
of the ordinary relationship between producer and consumer. Once an individual
has chosen to see a physician, the physician usually makes all significant
purchasing decisions: whether the patient should return "next Wednesday",
whether X-rays are needed, A. whimsical B. cautious C. analytical D. inquisitive [多项选择]我国小学德育的构成有()。
A. 道德教育 B. 政治教育 C. 思想教育 D. 情感教育 [单选题]病原体侵入人体后,仅引起机体发生特异性的免疫应答,而不引起或只引起轻微的组织损伤,临床上不显出任何症状、体征与生化改变,只能通过免疫学检查才能发现。此种表现属于
A.病原体被清除 B.隐性感染 C.显性感染 D.病原携带状态 E.潜伏性感染 [单项选择]Handbags made of ( ) leather are considered old-fashioned and poor in quality.
A. systematic B. synthetic C. sympathetic D. statistic [判断题]委托第三方清收处置不良资产的,农商行应当对自然人类和公司类不良贷款实行同等对待,并结合不良资产追偿的难易程度等,合理确定委托费用。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]当采用张力放线时,导线在同一处损伤需要补修时,采用补修预绞丝处理时应符合( )规定。(GB 50233—2014《110kV~750kV架空输电线路施工及验收规范》8.3.3)
A.将受伤处线股处理平整 B.补修预绞丝长度不得小于2个节距 C.补修预绞丝长度不得小于3个节距 D.补修预绞丝应与导线接触紧密,其中心应位于损伤最严重处,井应将损伤部位全部覆盖 [单选题]1.83 . 第83题
1 V电力电缆终端安装吊装电缆终端时,应保证与( )的安全距离。 A.变压器 B.低压线路 C.带电设备 D.开关设备 [判断题]机动链锯常用于木门、木楼板、木屋顶和树木等木质结构件的破拆。( )1
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. at B. in C. to D. for [单项选择]以下成本曲线中不是U—型的是()
A. 平均可变成本 B. 平均固定成本 C. 平均成本 D. 边际成本 [单项选择]脘腹坚满,青筋显露,腹内积块痛如针刺,面颈部赤丝血缕,是为()
A. 水臌 B. 气臌 C. 肿胀 D. 血臌 E. 痞满 [多选题]【多选题】在Fusionsphere Openstack OM上注册的KVM类型镜像,支持以下哪些
镜像格式? A.raw B. qcow2 C. vhd D. iso 我来回答: 提交