November 7, 2000 is a very special day
in the United States. Voters all across the nation are (21)
representatives in local and national races. Some people think that they’re
voting for the president of our country too. They’re not! Again, they’re voting
for (22) . These representatives are called electors. They
are part of a system called the Electoral College. In most states the electors are chosen on a winner take all basis. That makes it (23) for one candidate to win (24) electors while getting less popular votes nationally than his (25) . The (26) will meet in their re A. enemy B. election C. memory D. opponent [单项选择]女,4个月龄。患儿出生后不久手足出现水疱,以关节和摩擦部位为著,摩擦后加重。患儿出生正常。母孕期无感染及服药史,父母非近亲结婚。家族中无类似疾病。体检:生长发育良好,生命体征正常,头颅及耳鼻检查无异常,颈无抵抗,心、肺、腹部检查无异常,口唇周围及手足皮肤可见大小不等透亮水疱,直径约1~2cm。该病透射电镜下皮肤松解发生于表皮基底细胞下部。
该病属于遗传性大疱性表皮松解症(EB)的哪一类型 A. 单纯型EBS B. 交界型EBC C. 半桥粒型EBD D. 常染色体显性遗传的DEB E. 常染色体隐性遗传的DEB [不定项选择题]共用题干
Flu Shots Or Not?
It sounded like a good idea when New York City's mayor,Rudollph Giuliani,advised New Yorkers recently to get a flu shot.After all,20,000 Americans each year die of influenza. And this year in particular,the mayor suggested,getting a flu shot might be an especially good idea, since it could help doctors distinguish between flu and the deadly inhalational(吸入的)form of anthrax(炭疽).How? Both anthrax and flu exhibit strikingly similar symptoms-fever, chills and muscle aches-in the early days of the infection.Physicians would be quick to suspect anthrax in anyone who was vaccinated(接种疫苗)against flu and still developed fever and chills. That would give them a better chance to identify any new victims of terror while their infection was still in its earliest,most treatable stages. Or so the mayor's reasoning went. Unfortunately,there are a couple of problems with his log-ic .For one thing,getting vaccinated against influenza doesn't guarantee you won't get sick .Al-though highly effective,the flu vaccine(疫苗)protects against only the dominant types of the dis-ease and even then does not provide 100% protection.It takes a couple of weeks for your body to respond to the vaccine with a sufficient number of antibodies(抗体).Each year thousands of Americans who get the vaccine nevertheless still get the flu. There are also plenty of reasons you might develop fever,chills and muscle aches that have nothing to do with either anthrax or flu .Indeed,doctors estimate that more than 80%of all flu-like illnesses each winter are caused by other groups of viruses.Getting vaccinated against flu can't protect you against suffering from these other illnesses. In the worst case,asking all healthy adults to get vaccinated could actually have the opposite effect to the one intended,leading to even more deaths if it means we run out of shots for those who are most vulnerable to the infection.Already there have been delays in getting this year's shipment of vaccine to clinics and doctor's offices.Those who should be at the front of the line in-clude folks who are 65 or older,nursing-home residents and adults and children with chronic health problems as well as anyone who cares for or lives with such people .Flu shots are also im- portant for men and women whose immune system is weakened by HIV(艾滋病病毒)or other conditions. The best reason to get the flu vaccine is that it proteets against most flus-not that you're worried about getting anthrax.While inhalational anthrax has killed only five people so far,many more could be at risk from flu-related complications.There's no need to worsen the tragedy by making this year's influenza epidemic any worse. It is not easy to tell anthrax from flu in the early days of the infection. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned [多选题]申请办理金信家E贷借款人应符合农信机构信贷基本制度,下列____选项正确?
A.18-60周岁 B.18-65周岁 C.连续正常还款房贷12期以上 D.连续正常还款24期以上 [简答题]当高压煤浆泵出现单缸不打量时,中控如何除理?对现场如何指令?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]紧急制动产生后,必须将自动制动阀置于紧急位( )s后才能缓解。
A.30 B.45 C.60 [单选题]挖掘机作业时,当需制动时, 应将变速阀置于高速档位置。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](6564)大型养路机械调整制动活塞行程是通过调整( )来实现的。
A.车轮踏面 B.制动缸位置 C.闸瓦类型 D.闸瓦间隙 [多选题]引射器由( )组成。
A.引射阀 B.引射器喷管 C.引射管 D.混合管 [单选题]关于被控变量时间常数T不正确的说法是( )。
A.被控变量达到新稳态值63.2%所需的时间 B.反映被控变量变化快慢的参数 C.表示被控变量静态特性的参数 D.经过3T时间,可近似认为动态过程已结束 我来回答: 提交