A proposed rule on mercury, a pollutant bad
for fish and the people who eat too many of them, could help the administration
of President Barack Obama get near its short-term climate goal, even if the U.
S. Congress fails this year or next to pass a bill tackling greenhouse gases
directly. Senate Democrats crafting an energy bill have abandoned it until September, and for the rest of the year they probably will not debate climate measures like carbon caps on power plants and mandates(授权) for utilities to produce more power from renewable sources like wind and solar. But while many people concerned about climat A. exceed Mr. Obama’s economic budget greatly B. be overestimated by some environmental group C. hetp U. S. government get closer to its climate goal D. solve the climate problem on greenhouse gases [单项选择]诊断心肌梗死,特异性最好的酶是()
A. GOT B. LDH C. α-HBDH D. CPK E. CK-MB [判断题]施工总承包单位不得将施工总承包合同范围内的工程主体结构(钢结构工程除外)的施工分包给其他单位。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《电力安全工作规程》保证安全的技术措施指()。
A.停电 B.验电 C.接地 D.悬挂标示牌和装设遮栏(围栏) [单选题]消防员请假 1 日以上的由( )批准。
A.队站级单位主官 B.支队分管领导 C.支队级单位首长 D.大队级单位首长 [单选题]一般长度大于300m的皮带输送机选用( )拉紧装置。
A.A垂直重锤式拉紧装置 B.B尾部小车重锤式 C.C、 螺杆式拉紧装置 D.D、线性导轨垂直式 [判断题]只要取得《护士执业证书》的护士,就可以从事护士执业活动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]通过进路是指该列车通过线的两端进站信号机间的一段线路。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]将码碗蒸熟的鲜贝扣入盘中,再将熟鸽蛋切成两片,用鸡肉茸将鸽蛋与鸭掌黏合成金鱼状,熟制后用于围边。此种点缀方法称为()。
A. 以菜围菜 B. 图案式围边 C. 象形物围边 D. 中心堆叠镶嵌法 [单选题]钢轨伤损形式主要有()
A.轨头磨耗 B.轨头剥离裂纹及掉块 C.轨顶面擦伤 D.以上都是 我来回答: 提交