Convenience food helps companies by
creating growth; but what is its effect on people For people who think cooking
was the foundation of civilisation, the microwave is the last enemy. The
communion(共享) of eating together is easily broken by a device that liberates
household citizens from waiting for mealtimes. The first great revolution in the
history of food is in danger of being undone. The companionship of the campfire,
cooking pot and common table, which have helped to bond humans in collaborative
living for at least 150,000 years, could be destroyed. Meals have certainly suffered from the rise of convenience food. The only meals regularly taken together in Britain these days are at the weekend, among rich families struggling to retain something of the old symbol of togetherness. Indeed, the day’s first meal has all but disappea [多选题]( )幼儿口语表达能力发展的主要趋势包括( )。
A.从对话语向独白语发展 B.从独白语向对话语发展 C.从情境语向连贯语发展 D.从连贯语向情境语发展 [单选题]各单位要明确95598为公司统一故障报修电话,各供电局呼叫中心应保持热线畅通,24小时受理供电故障报修。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]水合反应的( )是决定环氧乙烷转化率的必要条件。
A.主站下发的部分载波表参数错误 B.现场表计隶属关系不正确 C.GPRS模块故障 D.线路上对载波通信的干扰源较多 [简答题]降低压缩空气湿度的措施,除了正常投入___外,还应定期对系统管道进行___。
[单项选择]Which of the following would be the best title for the passage
A. Computers and the Knowledge Society. B. Service industries in Modem Society. C. Features and Implications of the New Era. D. Rapid Advancement of Information Technology. [判断题]运行机组凝结水硬度升高的原因是凝汽器冷却水管或管板胀口有泄漏的地方。
A. (DLA-CCA1301-ZBAA0330) B. (DLA-CCA1301-ZBAA-ZGGG) C. (DLA-CCA1301-ZGGG) D. (DLA-CCA1301-ZBAA0330-ZGGG) [单选题]压裂是国内外广泛应用的行之有效的( )措施。
A.封堵出水层 B.增产、增注 C.降低渗透率 D.阻止地层出砂 我来回答: 提交