I have mentioned that English surnames
can be like Smith or Baker, indicating how the original bearer of the name
earned his living, or like Johnson and Nixon, they can mean "son of" a
particular person. Another group of surnames describes what the first person to bear the name looked like, or comments on some aspects of his personality. Brown is a typical example of such a name, indicating a man who had brown hair. In the Middle Ages, when surnames were becoming hereditary (世袭的), most Englishmen probably had fair hair, so the man with brown hair was unusual. Similar surnames are Grey, for someone whose hair was that color, and Read or Reed, for a red-head. A man who was noted for his great strength might be known simply as Strong. He could also be called Turnbull because of his ability to take a bull by the horns a A. uniforms of those colors B. beards of those colors C. eyes of those colors D. hair of those colors [单选题]行政机关申请人民法院强制执行,不缴纳申请费。强制执行的费用由( )承担。
A.行政机关 B.申请人 C.人民法院 D.被执行人 [简答题]东风广场站某日一排终端设备(S01-V04)发生离线,对此故障你需做何准备前往现场并做如何排查?
[判断题]初步核实后有违纪事实,但情节轻微,不需追究党纪责任的,应建议有关党组织作出恰当处理。这里所称“追究党纪责任”,是指给予纪律处分和免予纪律处分。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]设备双重名称即()。
A.电压等级和设备名称 B.设备名称和编号 C.电压等级和编号 D.线路名称和设备名称 [单项选择]块矿粒度要求小于6mm的少于()。
A. 10% B. 5% C. 20% [判断题]手持电动工具有两种分类方式,即按工作电压分类和按防潮程度分类。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于人流术中出血,不正确的是
A. 多发生于钳刮术 B. 主要是组织不能迅速排出,影响子宫收缩 C. 可在宫颈扩张后,宫颈注射缩宫素 D. 应在缩宫素使子宫收缩恢复后,再钳取或吸取胎盘胎体 E. 吸管较小或过软时应及时更换 [简答题]产后甲状腺炎的治疗原则?
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