It is not polite to arrive at a dinner
party more than 15 to 20 minutes late. The host or hostess usually waits for all
the guests to arrive before{{U}} (36) {{/U}}the meal. If someone is
late, the food may be spoiled, and so might the host or the hostess{{U}}
(37) {{/U}}. If you have to be late, call and tell them to{{U}}
(38) {{/U}}you. It’s even{{U}} (39) {{/U}}to be early! The
host or the hostess will probably not be{{U}} (40) {{/U}}.If you are
early, drive or walk around the block a few minutes, or just sit in your car{{U}}
(41) {{/U}}the right time. Though it’s often important to arrive on
time, yet{{U}} (42) {{/U}}, for open houses, the host or the hostess
invite guests to arrive and leave{{U}} (43) {{/U}}a certain time so you
can arrive at any time{{U}} (44) {{/U} A. introduction B. conversation C. meeting D. dinner [多选题]经本单位批准允许单独巡视高压设备的人员巡视高压设备时,( )。
A.A.不准进行其他工作 B.B.不准移开遮栏 C.C.可以进行其他工作 D.D.不准越过遮栏 [单项选择]
We have quite a bit of information about ancient Egyptian medicine. Doctors’ instructions have been found to tell us 56 they did for the sick and the injured. 57 many of the treatments included magic, ancient Egyptians used plant leaves and other methods to treat many 58 . Religion, magic and medicine were 59 related in ancient Egypt. Some priests (牧师) were specially 60 as doctors to 61 the sick and the injured. Doctors were held to a high moral standard. Patients was treated with 62 and their 63 information was highly secret. The highest-ranking doctors were priests of the goddess Sekhmet, 64 controlled illnesses. Doctors spent a part of each year 65 the goddess. Doctors were thought to be 66 to the gods and able to ask them for healing. Temples were centers for healing. 67 a person was ill, he or she would come to the temple or 68 a doctor for a diagnosis (诊断). A(n) 69 problem was treated with medicine, prayer and magic. If a clear cause was not 70 , the diagnosis would b [单项选择]一个栈的入栈序列是a,b,c,d,e,则栈的不可能的输出序列是( )。
A. edcba B. decba C. dceab D. abcde [单选题]国家电网公司电力安全工作规程线路部分规定,用过的气瓶上应写明()。
A.“用过” B.“空瓶” C.“已用” D.“用完” [多选题]B-A-C-005 4 7 5
关于加氢裂化重石脑油的特点,下列选项正确的是( )。 A.环烷烃含量高 B.硫、氮含量高 C.环烷烃含量低 D.硫、氮含量低 [多项选择]泰罗进行的三项著名的实验是()。
A. 金属切削试验 B. 铁锹试验 C. 工作环境试验 D. 搬运生铁块试验 E. 访谈试验 [单项选择]腹部手术时()。
A. 要求镇静、镇痛外,还应考虑肌肉松弛问题 B. 要求有完善的镇痛 C. 不应引起颅内压明显增高 D. 除要求镇痛外,还要便于控制肺内压力 E. 对麻醉无具体要求 [单项选择]加油站应()进行一次设备检查,按规定进行设备维护、保养。
A. 一周 B. 一月 C. 5天 D. 10天 [单项选择]关于人民币单位活期存款计结息规定正确的是()。
A. 按日计息,按季结息,计息期间遇利率调整分段计息,每季度末月的20日为结息日。 B. 按日计息,按年结息,计息期间遇利率调整分段计息,每季度末月的20日为结息日 C. 按日计息,按季结息,计息期间遇利率调整不分段计息,每季度末月的20日为结息日 D. 按日计息,按季结息,计息期间遇利率调整分段计息,每季度末月的21日为结息日 [单选题]串联型稳压电路输出电压可调,带负载能力强。 __________
A. 正确 B. 错误 [单项选择]
In many business, computers have largely replaced paperwork, because they are fast, flexible, and do not make mistakes. As one banker said, "unlike humans, computers never have a bad day." And they are honest. Many banks advertise that their transactions(业务,事务)are "untouched by human hands" and therefore safe from human temptation. Obviously, computers have no reason to steal money. But they also have no conscience(良心) ,and the growing number of computer crimes shows they can be used to steal. [单选题]下列不属于现场设备故障的有( )
A.手动报警按钮故障 B.模块故障 C.备用电源故障 D.探测器故障 [简答题]Please settle our account in US dollars as it is our usual practice. (3分)
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]下行进(),越过宁武西第二接近信号机,机车信号接收双黄灯,按压进路号键,输入支线号()。
[单选题]口服液体铁剂的正确方法是( )。
A.饭前服 B.服前测心率 C.吸管吸入 D.茶水送服 E.服后不宜立即饮水 [单项选择]从颞窗检查脑底动脉,经常表现为断续状的血流信号。较难显示的动脉是()
A. 大脑前动脉 B. 大脑中动脉 C. 大脑后动脉 D. 颈内动脉颅内段 E. 后交通动脉 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(铁总运〔2016〕247号)规定:列车晚点60分钟以上时,列车长根据调度、本段派班室(值班室)或车站的通报,向旅客公告列车晚点信息,说明晚点原因、预计晚点时间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]设某工厂有A,B,C三个车间,生产同一种产品,各车间的产量分别占总产量的25%,35%,40%,各车间的次品率分别为5%,4%,2%。如果从该厂产品中任取一件,则该产品是次品的概率为()。
A. 0.0345 B. 0.0346 C. 0.0245 D. 0.0246 [单选题]()、磷、钾等单质固体物质着火原先熔融,后燃烧。
A.硫 B.沥青 C. 石蜡 D.松香 [多选题]根据《消防法》的规定,国家鼓励、引导以下( )场所和企业投保火灾公众责任保险?
A.公众聚集场所 B. 生产、存储易燃易爆危险品的企业 C. 处理、销毁易燃易爆危险品的企业 D. 运输销售易燃易爆危险品的企业 [单选题]地下有限空间内手持照明设备电压应不大于( )。
A.12V B.24V C.36V [多项选择]下列有关针灸治疗肘劳的操作正确的有
A. 毫针泻法 B. 不可用电针 C. 局部可加温和灸 D. 在局部用多向透刺 E. 在局部多针齐刺 [填空题]1911年,鲁迅用()写了一篇题为《怀旧》的小说。
[判断题]单位结算卡存款在单位存款-单位活期续存交易进行( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用( )润滑全自动车钩钩舌与钩头配合的滑动表面。
A.RIVOLTA T、R、S、 PLUS润滑油 B.AUTOL TOP 2000润滑油 C.酒精 D.LOCOLUBECO润滑油 [判断题]护轨与基本轨头部间净距:在有砟桥上,其净距为500mm,允许误差为±5mm,当桥上设有调节器时,允许误差为±10mm。《修规》第3.11.1条
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交