Distance learning has moved far away
from the traditional correspondence course, aimed at the individual student
working alone. The global reach of the Internet makes it possible to unite
geographically scattered students in a virtual classroom. Methods such as
multimedia, video-conferencing and the Internet will increasingly allow students
both to proceed at their own pace, and to interact with one another and their
teachers. Even without taking the technology to its limits, the idea of education as a lifelong process is catching on throughout the industrialized world. Already, working adults who pursue their studies part-time make up roughly half of students taking college courses in the United States. However, there is debate in scholar circles about how far new technology should be used for teaching academic subjects in wh A. students accept new concept more easily than teachers B. students are reluctant to invest in equipment for distance learning C. distance learning is sure to take the place of traditional higher education D. there is still lectured, on room for distance learning to develop [单选题]有关车载信号、( )故障由OCC维修调度通知自动化检修车间通号调度处理。
A.乘客广播 B.通信设备 C.CCTV D.电子地图 [单选题]使选区边缘模糊,可以使用
A.渐变 B.柔化 C.通道 D.羽化 [单选题]“十一五”时期,我国将完善有管理的浮动汇率制度,逐步实现人民币( )可兑换。
A.经常项目 B.资本项目 C.商品贸易项目 D.服务贸易项目 [判断题]RJ45型插头和网线有两种连接方法,其中T568B线序为: 3、橙白,2、橙,3、绿白,4、蓝,5、蓝白,6、绿,7、棕白,8、棕
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用变异系数比较变异程度适用于
A. 单位相同或均数相差较小 B. 单位相同且均数相差较小 C. 单位相同且均数相差较大 D. 单位不同或均数相差较大 E. 单位不同且均数相差较小 [单选题]在08—32捣固车电气系统中,表示锁定装置信号的端子为( )。
A.A** B.B** C.G** D.V** [简答题]主汽管阀门为什么不能开的过急?
[单项选择]《大清律例》颁行后,统治者规定条例的修订年限为( )。
A. 每年修订一次 B. 每二年修订一次 C. 每三年修订一次 D. 每五年修订一次 [单项选择]
生态系统结构越复杂,其调节能力就越大,原因是() A. ①②③④ B. ①②③ C. ①③④ D. ③④ 我来回答: 提交