The development of rapid transit rail
lines in cities should parallel local economic development and blind
construction of such lines should be avoided, a State Council conference said
yesterday. The meeting, chaired by Premier Wen Jiabao, said the building of rapid-transit rail lines in cities should be carried out according to strict guidelines and management systems of such lines should be improved. It stressed that the amount of domestically made equipment used in such infrastructure projects needs to be increased. The meeting also deliberated on the draft amendments for laws governing the People’s Bank of China and commercial banks. Also discussed were the draft law on the supervision and management of banking sector and draft regulations on the management of central food reserves. It was agreed at the meeting that the laws g A. Discussing the building of rapid-transit rails. B. Discussing the draft amendments concerning some banks. C. Discussing the draft regulations about food reserves. D. Discussing whether the People’s Bank of China and commercial banks should be integrated. [单项选择]反托拉斯法( )。
A. 禁止勾结行为 B. 要求在寡头垄断中的厂商索取相同的价格 C. 处罚违背勾结协议的厂商 D. 通过增加竞争对手的成本来促进勾结 [多选题]全站仪测图的方法,可采用()
A.实地编码法 B.实时成图法 C.草图法 D.扫描法 E.摄影法 [填空题]行政立法是一种抽象的行政行为,具有()和()的双重属性。
[判断题]严禁带电拆装仪表,需要带电作业时,须现场工作人员与油管部门或人员联系后,确认安全可靠方可开始送电。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某化学3.1类新药获得临床试验批件,拟开展临床试验。该药物临床试验批件有效期为()
A. 1年 B. 2年 C. 3年 D. 4年 E. 5年 F. 6年 [单选题]FT61型双触点式调节器的R1为______,R2为______,R3为______( )
A..温度补偿电阻、加速电阻、附加电阻 B.附加电阻、加速电阻、温度补偿电阻 C.加速电阻、附加电阻、温度补偿电阻 [填空题] 摘除蜂窝时因蜇伤出现过敏性休克或心跳呼吸停止,应立即进行( ),并及时就医。
A.监测者、代言人 B.协调者、促进者 C.监测者、协调者 D.监测者、代言人、协调者 E.监测者、代言人、协调者、促进者 [填空题](1.0分) 题号:1390 难度:中 第1章新时代中国特色社会主义思想明确( )是中国特色社会主义最本质的特征、中国特色社会主义制度的最大优势。
[判断题]( )魏式组织可提高焊缝温度和硬度,对受压物件是理想的金相组织
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]我国农村养老保险中投保人领取养老保险金的保证期为( )
A. 15年 B. 20年 C. 5年 D. 10年 [名词解释]活接头
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