Manners are different in every country;
but true politeness is everywhere the same. Manners are only{{U}} (67)
{{/U}}helps which ignorance assumes in order to{{U}} (68)
{{/U}}politeness, which is the result of good sense and good{{U}} (69)
{{/U}}. A person possessed of those qualities, though he had never seen a
court, is truly{{U}} (70) {{/U}};and if without them, would continue a
clown,{{U}} (71) {{/U}}he had been all his life a gentleman usher. He
who{{U}} (72) {{/U}}airs of importance exhibits his credentials (证明) of
{{U}} (73) {{/U}}. There is no policy like politeness; and a good
manner is the best thing in the world to get a good name, or to{{U}} (74)
{{/U}}the want of it. Good manners are a part of good morals, and it is{{U}}
(75) {{/U}}much our duty as our interest to practice in both. Good
manners are the art of makin A. in B. of C. to D. from [单项选择]某港口工程地基为均质黏土,采用面积5000cm2的载荷板进行载荷试验,比例界限为200kPa,相应的沉降值为8mm,该黏土的变形模量为()。
A. 11MPa B. 13MPa C. 15MPa D. 17MPa [单选题]起重设备、吊索具和其他起重工具的工作负荷,不准超过( )。
A.铭牌规定 B.起吊物的重量 C.起吊绳的荷载 D.吊钩的荷载 [单选题] 本安防爆系统由本安型现场设备、()及二者之间的连接电缆组成。
A.关联设备 B.隔爆型现场设备 C.电气设备 [判断题]《关于强化基层安全体系建设的指导意见》中,完善岗位安全培训矩阵要求基层单位要以矩阵形式明确不同岗位的能力要求,以此确定培训需求和培训内容,提升基层培训的有效性。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]特大地震是指震级()的地震。
[单选题]An altostratus cloud is classified in the _______ cloud group.
A.low B.middle C.high D.either A or C [单选题]安全带和专作固定安全带的绳索在使用前应进行 ( )。安全带应按附录O定期检验,不合格者不得使用。
A.全面检查 B.质量检测 C.外观检查 D.应力试验 [单选题]绝缘安全用具分为( )安全用具和辅助安全用具。
A. 直接 B. 间接 C. 基本 [多选题]目前总行已出台的国家重点区域信贷政策包括()。
A.关于自贸区信贷业务发展的指导意见 B.关于大力支持中部地区崛起的指导意见 C.关于支持京津冀协同发展的信贷政策 D.关于进一步支持重大水利建设的若干信贷政策 [单选题]SS4G型电力机车过流继电器用以( )电路电气设备不致因电流过大而损坏。
A.保护 B.主 C.辅助 [单项选择]
NAC’s (Network Access Control) role is to restrict network access to only compliant endpoints and (66) users. However, NAC is not a complete LAN (67) solution; additional proactive and (68) security measures must be implemented. Nevis is the first and only comprehensive LAN security solution that combines deep security processing of every packet at 100Gbps, ensuring a high level of security plus application availability and performance. Nevis integrates NAC as the first line of LAN security (69) In addition to NAC, enterprises need to implement role-based network access control as well as critical proactive security measures-real-time, multilevel (70) inspection and microsecond threat containment. (66)是()A. automated B. distinguished C. authenticated D. destructed [判断题]禁止内幕交易、非法泄露和不当使用非公开信息。外汇
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]IS型是后开式泵。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题](2020年真题)根据《建筑法》关于工程发承包的说法,正确的有( )。
A.提倡建设工程实行设计一招标一建造模式 B.发包单位不得指定承包单位购入用于工程的建筑材料 C.联合体各方按联合体协议约定分别承担合同责任 D.禁止承包单位将其承包的全部建筑工程转包他人 E.建筑工程主体结构的施工必须由总承包单位自行完成 [简答题]三十六计中,美人计的美人指是的哪位美女?
[判断题]西餐宴会服务中正确的斟酒顺序为:女主宾、男主宾、女主人、男主人、女宾、男宾。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男,40岁,咳嗽、咳痰5年,冬季为重。2天前咳嗽加重,咳黄色脓痰。查体双肺可闻干、湿啰音。WBC13×107/L,胸部X线未见异常。该患者的诊断是()
A. 支气管哮喘发作期 B. 支气管哮喘缓解期 C. 慢性支气管炎急性发作期 D. 慢性支气管炎临床缓解期 E. 慢性支气管炎迁延期 [判断题]目前,我国限制进口货物管理按照其限制方式划分为许可证件管理和关税配额管理,其中关税配额管理是指在一定时期内,国家对部分商品的进口制定关税配额税率并规定该商品进口数量总额,在限额内,经国家批准后允许按照关税配额税率征税进口,如超出限额则以国家主管部门签发许可证件方式来实现限制进口.( )(2007年)
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交