Just where exactly is my home In
Britain of course. I was born here, grew up here—I had no choice in the matter.
From an early age I got used to the way of life here—after all, how could I
survive if I didn’t I came in contact with the British, I never felt any
hostility towards them; I never wanted to cause any offense. But what have I in
my turn received Racial discrimination. This has. been embodied in countless
incidents. It was in middle school that racial discrimination was most obvious. I was often the victim of racial taunts. After undergoing such a humiliation, I would feel a mixture of anger and depression. However, the worst thing was knowing hell well that even if I reported this to a teacher. It would be to no avail. Outside school, racial discrimination is far subtler. Some English—it’s all over their face.< A. hated the British B. would rather not to be British C. was a foreigner D. felt unhappy for the fact that he/she is from China [判断题]消防员隔热防护服如损坏不是特别严重,可继续使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者男,77岁,因“发现右侧睾丸肿物15d”来诊。15d前患者洗澡时无意中发现右侧睾丸肿物,无疼痛,平躺时肿物无缩小。既往体健,无传染病及手术史。泌尿系统彩色超声:右侧睾丸不规则增大,内部均质的低回声团块。查体:右侧腹股沟区可触及肿大淋巴结。AFP及β-HCG均正常。腹部CT:右侧肾门处可见一直径约2cm的软组织密度影。患者还需要进行的影像学检查是()。
A. 腹部CT强化 B. 盆腔CT C. 静脉尿路造影(IVU) D. 胸部X线正位片 E. 胸部CT [判断题]工程师法压井循环时的立管总压力可作为判断井底压力的压力计使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]斩波器用于直流电动机调速时,可将直流电源断续加到电动机上,通过 通、断的时间变化来改变电压的平均值,从而改变直流电动机的转速。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]带电更换架空地线或架设耦合地线时,应通过( )可靠接地。
A.金属滑车 B.绝缘滑车 C.塑料滑车 D.环氧树脂滑车 [多项选择]反刍动物如奶牛饲粮中粗纤维严重不足或粉碎过细时,会产生()。
A. 蹄叶炎 B. 乳酸中毒 C. 瘤胃不完全角化 D. 皱胃位移 E. 乳蛋白率降低 [单项选择]有关秦艽抗炎作用的叙述不正确的是
A. 使ACTH分泌增多 B. 对切除垂体的大鼠仍有抗炎作用 C. 主要有效成分为秦艽碱甲 D. 对切除肾上腺的大鼠无抗炎作用 E. 以上均非 [多选题]停车处理固定格筛卡矿、粗破碎机棚矿(囤矿或过铁卡矿)以及进入机体检查处理故障时,应遵守下列哪些规定( )。
A.作业人员应系好安全带,其长度只限到作业点 B.设专人监护 C.进入机体前,预先处理矿槽壁上附着的矿块或有可能脱落的浮渣 D.进行有毒有害气体检测 [单项选择]电子钱包是与浏览器一起工作的()。
A. 应用软件 B. 信息系统 C. 集成系统 D. 助手应用程序 [单项选择]
Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. The (1) problem, or a small scale, faces (2) every company trying to develop new products and create new jobs. There can be little prospect of (3) the sums needed from friends and people we know. And (4) banks may agree to provide short-term finance. They are generally unwilling to provide money on a (5) basis for long-term (6) . So companies (7) the public, inviting people to lend them money, or take a share in future profits. This they do by (8) stocks and shares of their business in a stock (9) . By doing so they can (10) and use the savings of individuals and institutions, both at home and overseas, when the inventor needs his money back, he does not have to [单项选择]患儿男,2岁,体重9kg。入托体检时发现心脏杂音前来就诊,曾患肺炎3次,有喂养困难史,无昏厥、抽搐史。
心电图检查显示左心室肥大,X线胸片显示心影轻度~中度增大,两侧肺血增多,肺动脉段突出,主动脉结缩小。心电图检查结果符合的诊断为 A. 二尖瓣狭窄 B. 房间隔缺损 C. 室间隔缺损 D. 心肌炎 E. 动脉导管未闭 [单选题]117.用横波检测与轨底面垂直的缺陷时,对缺陷反射最不利的角度是( )。
A.30° B.40° C.50° D.30°和60° [判断题]立柱防尘圈有JF型橡胶防尘圈和GF型骨架式防尘圈。
[判断题]国家规定要求:从事电气作业的电工,必须接受国家规定的机构培训、经考核合格者方可持证上岗。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在感染中,临近恢复期出现的抗体是()
A. IgG B. IgM C. IgD D. IgA E. IgE [判断题]与借款人新建立信贷业务关系且信用状况一般的流动资金贷款,原则上应采用贷款人受托支付方式。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交