It’s becoming something of a joke along
the Maine-Canada border. So many busloads of retired people crisscross the line
looking for affordable drugs that the roadside stands should advertise,
"Lobsters. Blueberries. Lipitor. Coumalin." Except, of course, that such a
market in prescription drugs would be illegal. These senior long-distance shopping strees fall in a legal gray zone. But as long as people cross the border with prescriptions from a physician and have them filled for no more than a three-month supply for personal use, customs and other federal officials leave them alone. The trip might be tiring, but people can save an average of 60 percent on the cost of their prescription drugs. For some, that’s the difference between taking the drugs or doing without. "The last bus trip I was on six months ago had 25 seniors," say A. the two groups are evenly matched in strength B. a more powerful group is fighting a less powerful group C. a less powerful group is fighting a more powerful group D. both of the two groups are losers [单项选择]It was in Germany ______ Einstein spent his childhood.
A. where B. which C. that D. when [填空题] 队列指挥要求:姿态端正,精神振作,( )准确。
A.移交人 B.接收人 C.监交人 D.主管负责人 [简答题]事规规定,何谓“未办或错办闭塞发出列车”?
A.配置参数错误 B.没有打开国内长途的功能 C.无缴费 D.注册服务器错误 [单选题]皇权是一种象征性的权威,是确保政府决策正常化和社会秩序稳定化的___性力量。从这个意义上来说,皇权的存在并不影响民主政治的发展,相反,如果协调得当,皇权甚至会成为民主政治的___力量。
A.震慑 推动 B.威慑 保证 C.凝聚 支柱 D.保障 辅助 [多选题]季节性资产增加的主要融资渠道有()
A.季节性负债增加:应付账款和应计费用 B.内部融资,来自公司内部的现金和有价证券 C.银行贷款 D.应收账款 E.来自民间的借款 [单项选择]GB/T19001-2008标准中7.3“设计和开发”是针对()的设计和开发
A. 质量管理体系 B. 产品 C. 过程 D. 产品和过程 [多项选择]肠易激综合征的临床表现正确的是()
A. 一般都有程度不同的腹痛 B. 多伴腹胀感、排顺不净感,但便秘 C. 腹痛部位不定,以下腹和左下腹多见 D. 可表现为腹泻,大便为稀糊状 E. 可有失眠、焦虑、头昏、头痛等精神症状 [单选题]小叶性肺炎的病变范围
A.以呼吸性细支气管为中心 B.以终未细支管为中心 C.以细支气管为中心 D.以支气管为中心 E.以肺泡管为中心 [单项选择]治疗幼儿弱视的最好的时机是()
A. 3岁以前 B. 1岁以前 C. 6岁以前 D. 2岁以前 [单选题]《供电营业规则》第六十七条规定除因故终止供电外,供电企业需对用户停止供电时,应按下列程序办理:1.应将停电的用户、原因、时间报本单位负责人批准。批准权限和程序由省电网经营企业制定;2.在停电前( )天内,将停电通知书送达用户,对重要用户的停电,应将停电通知书报送同级电力管理部门;3.在停电前30分钟,将停电时间再通知用户一次,方可在通知规定时间实施停电。
A.15 B.3 C.3~7 D.7 [判断题]判断题广告施工高处作业使用吊篮进行电焊作业时应注意不得使用吊篮钢丝绳或吊篮其他部位作为接地线。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交