a) To ask for and give a reply to an inquiry, offer, order, or complaint.
b) To keep a record of all the important facts for ready reference. The language of old - style business letters is reader. A confused and over long letter may be put aside until someone explains its meaning, and this may mean delays. Since a letter is written for the reader, the language of modern business letters is simple, clear and direct. The writer states the purpose of his letter briefly, and the letter is short and friendly. Such letters help the writer as much as the reader, and will probably mean an earlier reply.
Here are two letters. One is about an inquiry and tile other is the reply to it. Both of them are simple and clear.
A Letter of Inquiry
August 10th, 1999
Dear Sirs,
One of our customers is interested in your bicycles, particularly Model No. PA - 18.
Please send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue, quoting your prices FOB
How a Terrible Battle Helped to Change
Europe Ninety years ago on a sunny morning in Northern France, something happened that changed Britain and Europe for ever. At half past seven on the morning of July 1, 1916, whistles(哨子) blew and thousands of British soldiers left their positions to attack their German enemies. By the end of the day, 20,000 of them were dead, and another 30,000 wounded or missing. The Battle of the Somme, {{U}} (51) {{/U}} it is called, lasted for six months. When it ended, 125,000 British soldiers were dead. They had gained five kilometers of ground. This was one of a series of great battles during WWI. The attack on the Somme was staged to relieve {{U}} (52) {{/U}} on the French, who were engaged in a great battle o A. compromising B. confronting C. attacking D. fighting [单项选择]()可以近似看作无风险证券,其收益率可被用作确定基础利率的参照物。
A. 短期政府债券 B. 短期金融债券 C. 短期企业债券 D. 长期政府债券 [判断题]闸阀根据阀杆结构不同,可分为填料旋塞、油密封旋塞和无填料旋塞等。()
[简答题] 驻站联络员应如何做好预报?
A.逆时针 B.顺时针 C.向上 D.向下 [单项选择]某病儿,4岁,头颈部及双手浅伤,其烧伤面积为
A. 15% B. 17% C. 20% D. 22% E. 28% [单选题]LEU默认报文的报文计数器设定为()
A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 [单选题]BE002 职业道德要求我们任何条件下个人利益永远要服从( )利益。
A.集体 B.企业 C.国家 D.部门 [多选题]建筑施工中要采取多种措施节约钢材,其中一条是要坚持三焊,三焊包括( )。
A. .对焊 B.点焊 C. 搭接焊 D.电弧焊 [填空题]矿井轨道应扣件齐全,牢固,轨型一致,街头的间隙不得大于()mm。
[单项选择]下列不属于日常物业管理期档案的收集与整理的内容的是( )。
A. 收集地点 B. 收集范围 C. 收集时间 D. 档案资料收集后的整理工作 [填空题]在炉膛压力调节中,()是被调量,()是调节对象。
A. 读者来信 B. 观众来信 C. 听众来电 D. 受众来访 E. 召开座谈会 [判断题]金融机构核销贷款收回额:指金融机构通过对已核销贷款进行处置,收回的是贷款本息合计。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]科学技术研究中“马太效应”导致的结果是( )。
A.“扶强抑弱”现象 B.“扶弱抑强”现象 C.“强弱均扶”现象 D.“强弱均抑”现象 [判断题]当避雷器泄漏电流指示异常时,应及时查明原因,必要时缩短巡视周期。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]静脉注射碘过敏试验,注药后观察反应的常规时间是()
A. 3分钟 B. 5分钟 C. 15分钟 D. 25分钟 E. 35分钟 [判断题]地下维护室确保通风畅通,通风不畅时,可装设鼓风机强制通风。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( ),机具使用人员应对机具进行检查,机具状态不良或安全附件失效的机具严禁上线使用。
A.入库前 B.作业前 C.作业中 D.作业后 [单选题]
企业当年内项目考评不合格次数达到( )次以上,且考评不合格率超过5%的,企业安全生产标准化考评结果认定为“不合格”。 A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [单项选择]哪一个不是判断生态恢复的标准()
A. 入侵性 B. 可持续性 C. 生产力 D. 营养保持力 [判断题]避雷器、放电间隙应用最短的接地线与接地网连接。( )(GB 50169—2016《电气装置安装工程 接地装置施工及验收规范》4.2.11)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]LEU默认报文的报文计数器设定为()。
A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 [单选题] 【单选题】孙某对某派出机构对其依法作出的30元罚款裁定不服申请复议,应以()为被申请人。(1分)
A.该派出机构 B.设立该派出机构的行政机关 C.乡人民政府 D.该派出机构所在地街道办事处 [判断题]安全工作如果不能做到一百分,那就一定要及格。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]“用途”栏应填:
A. 外贸自营内销 B. 企业自用 C. 加工返销 D. 其他返销 [单项选择]The last half of the nineteenth century ______ the steady improvement in the means of travel.
A. have witnessed B. was witnessed C. witnessed D. is witnessed [判断题]分布式电源检修时,客户应配合做好电网停电检修的隔离、接地、加锁或悬挂标示牌等安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交