Ann is a pilot, and she flies from New York to Boston four times a week. Her husband, Peter, is a househusband. He stays home with the children, aged two, six and eight. Peter likes staying home. He says that most fathers don’t spend enough time with their children. He loves his family. It’s a lot of work. In the morning, he cleans, shops, and does the laundry. In the afternoon, when the youngest takes a nap, he fixes TV sets. He has a small business at home. When the children come home from school, they play in the garden. Then, it’s time for homework.
Ann is usually home by 6:00 p.m. After dinner, she plays with the children and reads to them. When they’re in bed, Peter and Ann have some time to themselves.
In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce
needed pictures for his business. So he invented a very simple camera.
He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden. That
was the first photo. The next important date in the history of photography (摄影术) was in 1837. That year, Daguere, another Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room. He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly, even the smallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype. In about 1840, photography was developed. Then photographers could take pictures of people and moving things. That was not simple. The photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines. But this did not stop them, for example, some in the United States worked so hard. Mathew Brady was a famous Am A. a Frenchman B. a photographer C. a kind of camera D. a kind of picture [多选题]( )不属于违反成都局集团公司安全红线的行为。
A.车辆乘务员违反应急预案进行应急处置 B.车辆乘务不服从应急人员指挥 C.调度人员不按规定指挥人员 D.车辆乘务员不按规定进行应急处置造成不良后果 [单选题](31050)康明斯KTA-19G2柴油机水泵泵体上的溢流孔的作用是( )。(1.0分)
A.减少水泵出水口的工作压力 B.减少水泵进水口的工作压力 C.及时排出向后渗漏的冷却水,保护水泵轴承 D.便于检查水泵水封工作情况 [单选题]根据《消防法》的规定,对于大型人员密集场所建设工程的消防验收,下列说法正确的是()。
A.建设单位在验收后应当报住房和城乡建设主管部门备案 B.施工单位在验收后应当报公安机关消防机构备案 C.建设单位应当向公安机关消防机构申请消防验收 D.施工单位应当向公安机关消防机构申请消防验收 [单选题]某电网公司将两根电线杆放置在某山路边,拟用于施工。甲与乙见后,趁无人之际,用榔头将电线杆的混凝土砸掉,将其中的钢筋取走后卖掉。经鉴定,两根电线杆的价值为900元,其中钢筋价值480元。下列说法不正确的是( )。
A.对甲、乙以盗窃予以处罚 B.甲、乙采取破坏性手段盗窃,应视为情节较重从重处罚 C.对甲、乙以故意损毁财物予以处罚 D.甲、乙构成共同违反治安管理行为 [多选题]按照本办法考核确定为安全生产标准化管理体系一级的煤矿,作出符合一级体系要求的承诺,且同时满足下列条件的,可在3年期满时直接办理延期:( )
A.A.煤矿一级等级3年期限内保持瓦斯“零超限”和井下“零突出”“零透水”“零自燃”“零冲击(无冲击地压事故)” B.B.井工煤矿采用“一井一面”或“一井两面”生产模式 C.C.井工煤矿采煤机械化程度达到100%露天煤矿采剥机械化程度达到100%。 D.D.连续1年不出现工伤事故。 [单项选择]在保护模式下处理中断时,提供Pentium微处理器中断服务程序段基址的是( )。
A. 中断描述符 B. 段描述符 C. TSS描述符 D. CS寄存器 [多项选择]对涉及( )的出口商品生产加工企业,实施生产加工安全和卫生保证体系的注册登记。
A. 环保 B. 卫生 C. 检疫 D. 安全 [填空题]事故发生后,事故现场负责人应()。
[单选题]严格执行安全操作规程的目的是( )。
A.限制工人的人身自由 B.企业领导刁难工人 C.保证人身和设备的安全以及企业的正常生产 D.增强领导的权威性 [单项选择]为预防感染,新生儿脐带护理下列哪一项是错误的()。
A. 沐浴后用95%乙醇揩净脐带残端和脐轮 B. 脐带3~7天脱落 C. 分泌物伴臭味时涂1%甲紫(龙胆紫) D. 有肉芽组织用50%硝酸银点灼 E. 脐部保持清洁干燥,防止发生脐炎 [单选题]数字化管理必须注重落实数字化管理模式在管理过程中以( )为本的原则。
A.人 B.物 C.数字 D.效益 [单项选择]下列不属于环境影响评价的主要技术内容的是( )。
A. 分析该项目环境影响的来源 B. 调查该项目所在地区的环境状况,定量、半定量或定性地预测该项目在施工过程、投产运行及服务期满后等阶段对环境的影响 C. 对实施与执行的项目做出全面评价和结论,并进行预测与评估 D. 提出影响环境的措施,并修改建设项目 我来回答: 提交