We have a rather small house, with only
one spare (多余的) bedroom. You can imagine (想象) our alarm (惊恐) when Aunt Clara
wrote to say that she was coming with her children to stay for the weekend. Her
family was not a small one, with four boys all under the age of
twelve. I sent off a telegram (电报) at once, explaining that our house was too small. Aunt Clara called us up the next morning. "I forgot to mention (提到) to you, "she said in her sweetest voice, "the boys will be bringing their tents (帐篷) . " Even so, my wife was still worried. It was true we had a large garden, but there was still the problem of feeding (喂养) four growing boys. "And what if it rains " she added. Luckily Saturday morning turned out to be bright and clear when I went to the station to meet Aunt Clara. I pushed the boys, together with the lugg A. in the garden B. in the spare room C. home D. in the car [单项选择]企业与职工之间的财务关系,主要表现为()关系
A. 资金结算 B. 资金上交 C. 资金分配 D. 资金下拨 [简答题]长沙市经济平稳快速增长,地区生产总值增长15%以上(预计数,下同),工业总产值达3100亿元,2009年跃居全国省会城市第几位?
。治疗结束后保持 ()
A. Hawley式保持器 B. 功能矫治保持 C. 固定保持 D. 不需戴保持器 E. 替牙后可能需再次治疗 [判断题]国际民用航空组织(ICAO)是国际航空的民间组织。
A. 升麻黄连丸 B. 丹栀逍遥散 C. 导赤散 D. 保和丸 E. 理中丸 [单选题] 表达某地 2000 年和 2010 年三种疾病的 患病率可用。
A.直方图 B.百分直条图 C.单式直条图 D.复式直条图 E.线图 [单选题]中国75%的电力来自煤炭,只有2.5%来自石油,因为大部分石油都被汽车喝掉了。煤炭运输成本高,中国铁路的运力至少有一半都用来运煤了。目前很多火电厂的煤库存都坚持不了一个星期,一旦铁路运输出了问题,直接后果就是拉闸。
A.应增加利用石油发电的比例以规避风险 B.过分依赖煤炭的电力生产结构存在弊端 C.铁路运输的通畅关系着众多火电厂的生产 D.大量使用煤炭发电增加了铁路运输的负担 [单选题]当真空度为90%时、海水蒸馏法温度为45℃,可用温度不超过-------的柴油机缸套冷却水作为海水淡化的加热工质,从而提高了船舶动力装置的经济型。
A.45℃ B.60℃ C.80℃ D.120℃ [判断题]李某涉嫌诈骗罪被甲县公安局立案侦查,李某以该案侦查人员王某与被害人存在近亲属关系为由,提出回避申请。王某的回避由甲县公安局长决定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Passage Two