Text 4
In a democratic society citizens are encouraged to form their own opinions on candidates for public office, taxes, constitutional amendments, environmental concerns, foreign policy, and other issues. The opinions held by any population are shaped and manipulated by sever al factors: individual circumstances, the mass media, special interest groups, and opinion leaders.
Wealthy people tend to think differently on social issues from poor people. Factory workers probably do not share the same views as white -collar, nonunion workers. Women employed outside their homes sometimes have perspectives different from those of fulltime home makers. In these and other ways individual status shapes one’ s view of current events.
The mass media, especially television, are powerful influences on the way people think and act. Government officials note how mail from the public tends to "follow the headlines. "Whatever is featured in newspapers
A. TV programs have a strong influence on governmental policy.
B. Chats on televisions are chief means for running for presidency.
C. More and more people show interest in politics because of TV.
D. Before the use of TV, people showed little interest in politics.
For America’s colleges, January is a month of
reckoning. Most applications for the next academic year beginning in the autumn
have to be made by the end of December, so a university’s popularity is put to
an objective standard: how many people want to attend. One of the more unlikely
offices to have been flooded with mail is that of the City University of New
York (CUNY), a public college that lacks, among other things, a famous sports
team, pastoral campuses and boisterous parties (it doesn’t even have dorms),
and, until recently, academic credibility. A primary draw at CUNY is a programmer for particul A. CUNY’s reforms. B. CUNY’s fate. C. CUNY’s commitment. D. CUNY’s mission. [单选题]普速旅客列车是指运送( )或行包、邮件的非动车组列车。(《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》)
A.旅客 B.邮件 C.行包 D.货物 [单选题]《国家电网有限公司 95598 客户服务业务管理办法》规定:除( )工
单外,其他工单不允许合并。 A.服务申请 B. 故障报修 C. 意见 D. 建 议 [单选题]挖掘作业监护人应时刻关注作业,挖掘深度超过( ),合适距离内应设梯子、台阶等应急进出口。
A.1.2m B.1.3m C.1.4m [单项选择]人民警察来自人民,对人民群众怀有(),是做好一切公安工作的基础。
A. 深厚友谊 B. 深厚感情 C. 深厚的爱 D. 深厚的情 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输办理细则》规定,行李包裹施封所需物品的费用列( )。
A.站进款支出 B.保价费支出 C.运输成本支出 D.铁路营业外支出 [单项选择]在规定条件下,使材料或制品因受热所释放出的气体瞬间着火并出现火焰的最低温度为( )。
A. 闪点 B. 燃点 C. 自燃点 D. 爆燃点 [简答题]当串联的放大器级数增多时,为保证系统非线性失真指标,各放大器的输出电平应该更高还是更低?
[单选题]钢板超声波检测中,一般用来测量缺陷边界位置的方法是( )
A.6DB法 B.12DB法 C.20DB法 D.80DB法 [判断题]按照我国《保险法》的规定,除《保险法》另有规定或者保险合同另有约定外,保险合同成立后,投保人可以解除合同。
A.颜色 B.气味 C.声音 D.建筑结构 E.护理对象 我来回答: 提交