Todd was working at his gas station (加油站) at night when he heard over the radio that a bank in Long Island had been (36) by an armed man who had killed the night guard and got away with $150 000. "One hundred and fifty thousand," Todd whistled. Here’s a fellow who just (37) into a bank and helps himself (38) so much money. Todd thought of the (39) with which he managed to get the amount of money he needed to start his gas station. So many papers’ to (40) , so much money to pay back.
The news continued twenty minutes later. The gunman had (41) a car for a ride, and then (42) out the driver. He was possibly heading for tile Southern State Parkway in white Ford with License plate(车牌) number LJR1939. The (43) of the announcer continued:" (44) out for white ears. Don’ t pick up (45) , mid all you folks in gas stations better not do (46) to a white Ford car."
A. considered
B. knew
C. recognized
D. now
When we conduct foreign trade, the
importance of understanding the language of a country cannot be underestimated.
The successful marketer must achieve export communication which requires a
thorough understanding of the language as well as the ability to speak it. Those
who deal with advertising should be concerned less with obvious differences
between languages and more with the exact meanings expressed. A dictionary translation is not the same as an idiomatic interpretation, and seldom will the dictionary translation meet the needs. A national producer of soft drinks had the company’s brand name impressed in Chinese characters which were phonetically (按照发音 ) accurate. It was discovered later, however, that the translation’s literal meaning was "female horse fattened with wax," hardly the image the company sought to describe. So carelessly t A. proud B. modest C. self-confident D. happy [单项选择]集中经营为数不多、变化不大、能够普遍满足大众需要的商品,注意商品个性,保持优越品质的方法。这是普通零售企业的商品策略中的()
A. 单一化策略 B. 细分化策略 C. 丰满化策略 D. 齐全化策略 [单选题]半夏厚朴汤的主治病证是
A.食积证 B.结胸证 C.梅核气 D.六郁证 E.心下痞证 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输办理细则》(铁运〔1997〕103号)规定,“没有工资收入的学生”,是指没有固定工资收入的学生。学生有无工资收入,由( )确定,铁路凭学校发给的减价优待证售票。
A.学生 B.铁路局 C.国务院铁路主管部门 D.学校 [填空题]()和社会团体是公民进入政治体系(市场),形成政治输入的中介。
[单项选择]在中国金融监管机构中,对银行间同业拆借市场和银行间债券市场进行监督管理的机构是( )。
A. 中国人民银行 B. 银监会 C. 保监会 D. 证监会 [单选题]储存危险化学品的建筑通排风系统的通风管应采用()材料制作。
A.易燃 B.非燃烧 C.木质 [判断题]某企业按“2/10,N/30”的条件购入货物100万元,倘若放弃现金折扣,在第30天付款,则相当于以36.7%的利率借入98万元,使用期限为20天。 ( )
[单选题]在绩效评估环节中,基层管理者主要工作是:( )
A. 根据原先设定的标准进行评估员工任务完成情况 B. 亲自参与评估和组织评估数据收集工作 C. 检查监督和分析员工自评工作出现的问题,为下一阶段工作改进提供可靠依据 D. 以上都是 [判断题]根据《安全生产法》规定,生产经营单位的安全管理人员对本单位的安全生产工作全面负责。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]69. 计算机( )是用来使用和管理计算机硬件的软件程序。
A.操作系统 B. 处理器 C. 内存 D. 硬盘 [填空题]Many Christians now re-enact Last Supper to symbolize Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus.
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