Part B Directions: In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41—45, choose the most suitable one from the list A—G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. It’s not just an American phenomenon: Across the globe, single-parent homes are on the rise. Numbers for one-parent families increased from England to Australia during the 1990s, mirroring demographic shifts reflected in the U.S. census. Just as in America, those shifts raised new questions about how involved government should be in helping single-parent families, which often are less well-off financially than those led by a married mom and dad. 41. _______________ Annie Oliver, a 32-year-old single mother from Bristol, England, thinks so. "You wouldn’t believe how becoming a single parent suddenly made me a second-class citizen," said Oliver, who
At least since the Industrial
Revolution, gender roles have been in a state of transition. As a result,
cultural scripts about marriage have undergone change. One of the more obvious
(46) has occurred in the roles that women (47)
. Women have moved into the world of work and have become adept at
meeting expectations in that arena, (48) maintaining their
family roles of nurturing and creating a(n) (49) that is a
haven for all family members. (50) many women experience
strain from trying to "do it all," they often enjoy the increased (51)
that can result from playing multiple roles. As women’s roles have
changed, changing expectations about men’s roles have become more (52)
. Many men are relinquishing their major responsibility (53)
the family provider. Probably the most significant chan A. general B. acceptable C. popular D. apparent [多项选择]《河北省农村信用社稽核工作考核评价暂行办法》中稽核工作考评内容包括()。
A. 稽核工作计划、稽核任务完成情况。 B. 稽核重大问题报告、稽核效果。 C. 稽核形象、问责情况、稽核档案管理。 D. 稽核机构及人员管理和基础管理工作。 [单项选择]以下不属于风险的特征的是( )。
A. 负面性 B. 可确定性 C. 不确定性 D. 可测性 [单选题]( )是遇行车设备故障、施工、维修需要时,脱离调度集中系统控制转为车站联锁控制台人工办理的模式。
A.非常站控模式 B.中心控制方式 C.车站控制方式 D.分散自律控制模式 [单选题]TCP/IP协议的IP层是指( )。
A.应用层 B.传输层 C.网络层 D.数据链路层 [单选题]变电站、线路以及发电厂内在高压设备电能表、采集终端等及其二次回路上工作需将高压设备停电或做安全措施者,应填用配电第一种工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题] 根据《10kV~500kV输变电及配电工程质量验收与评定标准》(2012版)的相关规定,返工是指对不合格的工程部位采取的重新制作、重新施工等措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列哪些是半刚性材料()
A. 级配碎石 B. 级配砾石 C. 二灰土 D. 水泥碎石 E. 泥结碎石 [单选题]开关箱中漏电保护器的额定漏电动作电流不应大于 mA,额定漏电动作时间不应大于 0.1s。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 [单项选择]肉桂、丁香的挥发油测定
A. 烘干法 B. 甲苯法 C. 减压干燥法 D. 甲法 E. 乙法 [单选题]三相对称交流电源的特点是
A.三相电动势的幅值和频率相等,初相位互差120° B.三相电动势的幅值和频率相等,初相位互差90° C.三相电动势的幅值和频率不相等,初相位互差120° [单项选择]
某企业的资产总额为100万元,当发生下列三笔经济业务后,其资产总额是()。 A. 107万元 B. 105万元 C. 103万元 D. 109万元 我来回答: 提交