设置命令按钮“bC”的单击事件,使单击该命令按钮后,CDID标签的显示颜色改为红色。要求用VBA代码实现。 Health implies. more than physical
fitness. It also implies mental and emotional wellbeing. An angry, frustrated,
emotionally (1) person in good physical condition is not
(2) healthy. Mental health, therefore, has much to do
(3) how a person copes with the world as it exists. Many of the
factors that (4) physical health also affect mental and
emotional well-being. Having a good self-image means that people have positive (5) pictures and good positive feelings about themselves, about what they are capable (6) , and about the roles they play. People with good self-images like themselves, and they are (7) like others. Having a good self- image is based A. able better to B. able to better C. better to able D. better able to [判断题]氢硫酸比硫化氢气体具有更强的还原性,易被空气氧化而析出单质硫,使溶液变混浊。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 中队(站)首长( )组织1次卫生检查。
A.每日 B.每周 C.每半月 D.每月 [单项选择]O型密封圈在静止条件下可承受()MPa或更高的压力。
A. 100 B. 150 C. 80 [判断题]拍卖或者变卖所得抵缴税款、滞纳金、罚款以及扣押、查封、保管、拍卖、变卖等费用后,剩余部分,应当在15日内退还被执行人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在公有继承的情况下,允许派生类直接访问的基类成员包括( )。
A. 公有成员 B. 公有成员和保护成员 C. 公有成员、保护成员和私有成员 D. 保护成员 [判断题]尖轨尖端与尖轨跟端轨距的差数,直尖轨应在尖轨全长范围内均匀递减,曲尖轨按标准图或设计图办理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]房屋共有是指两个或两个以上主体对同一房屋共同享有()
A. 使用权 B. 所有权 C. 占有权 D. 收益权 [多选题]下列整流机组负荷运行描述正确的是()。
A.100%额定负荷连续运行 B.150%额定负荷可连续工作2小时 C.200%额定负荷可工作1小时 D.300%额定负荷可工作1分钟 [判断题]未经公布的行政许可规定,不得作为实施行政许可的依据。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交