Yet the difference in tone and language
must strike us, so soon as it is philosophy that speaks: that change should
remind us that even if the function of religion and that of reason coincide,
this function is performed in the two cases by very different organs. Religions
are many, reason one. Religion consists of conscious ideas, hopes, enthusiasms,
and objects of worship; it operates by grace and flourishes by prayer. Reason,
on the other hand, is a mere principle or potential order, on which indeed we
may come to reflect but which exists in us ideally only, without variation or
stress of any kind. We conform or do not conform to it; it does not urge or
chide us, nor call for any emotions on our part other than those naturally
aroused by the various objects which it unfolds in their true nature and
proportion. Religion brings some order into life by weight A. it is unaware of ultimate goals B. it is unimaginative C. its findings are exact and final D. it resembles society and art [填空题]车号人员应按<--NRC-->核对现车和货运票据,无误后,按规定与机车乘务员办理交接。
[判断题]三极管开关虽然不适用于并接方式,却可以完美地适用于串接的方式。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]具有典型的侗族风雨桥风格的是()。
A. 永济桥 B. 宝带桥 C. 二十四桥 D. 枫桥 [单选题] 社会工作者小鲁主要负责临终关怀服务。最近,小鲁的服务对象王爷爷去世了,他很 沮丧地对督导老李说:”我在王爷爷身上花了很多心思和精力,没想到他这么快就走了。”老李回应道:”你看到王爷爷最后并没有受太多苦,走得很安静,也很平和,你的感受又是什么?”上述个别督导过程中,老李采用的督导技巧是( )。
A. 提出建议 B. 提出疑问 C. 进行评价 D. 情感慰藉 [判断题]个人客户欠款扣收工作制订扣收方案时,应遵循先扣收活期存款、后扣收定期存款的原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]无粘性土的抗剪强度指标是()。
[单选题]规定的特殊建设工程,建设单位应当将消防设计文件报送()审査,并依法对审査的 结果负责。
A.住房和城乡建设主管部门 B.公安部门 C.设计审査机构 D.设计单位 [判断题]某个可能发生的事件其可能造成的损失程度和发生的概率都很大,其风险量就 越大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] Silence is 【B1】 to man. He begins life with a cry and ends h in stillness. In the 【B2】 he does all he can to make a noise in the world, and there are few things of which he 【B3】 in more fear than of the 【B4】 of noise. Even his conversation is in great measure a 【B5】 attempt to 【B6】 a dreadful silence. If he is introduced to a fellow mortal, and a number of 【B7】 occur in the conversation, he regards himself as a failure and a 【B8】 person. He knows that ninety-nine percent of human conversation means no 【B9】 than the buzzing of a fly, but he longs to 【B10】 in the buzz and to prove that he is a man and not a waxwork figure. The object of conversation is not, for the most 【B11】 . to communicate ideas. It is to keep up the buzzing sound. He would be a foolish man, 【B12】 . who waited 【B13】 he had a wise thought to take part in the buzzing with his neighbors. Those who despise the weather as a conversational 【B14】 seem to be 【B15】 of the reason why human beings wish to talk. Very few huma
A. A.sad B.delighted C.content D.displeased [单项选择] Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choice marked A, B, C and D.