It wasn’t all hard work at the G8
summit of the world’s most powerful leaders. There was good food, lots of
glad-handing. If there’s one thing you can say about the French, it’s that they
know how to put on a good lunch. French President Jacques Chirac offered his
colleagues a lunch Monday that featured specialties from the Haute Savoie region
of southeastern France. The assembled heads of state or government from Britain, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United States joined Chirac for crayfish, char — lake trout — from the nearby Lake Geneva, pigeon accompanied by new potatoes, assorted cheeses and a soft and creamy cake. The wine, Roussette de Savoie, was a regional white. The meal was prepared by a culinary school in Thonon, several kilometers from the summit site. Afterwards the leaders posed A. Because they enjoyed food and wanted to show their satisfaction. B. Because young as the chefs were, they cooked good food. C. Because they wanted to tell the chefs they were friendly. D. Because the young chefs asked them to do so. [单选题]根据《电力建设工程工程量清单计价规范》2016版的规定,投标总价应当与分部分项工程费、措施项目费、其他项目费、( )的合计金额一致。
A.投标人采购设备费 B.投标人采购材料费 C.招标人采购设备费 D.招标人采购材料费 [单选题]移动式电动机械和手持电动工具的三相电源线在三相五线制系统中宜使用()芯软橡胶电缆。
A.三 B.四 C.五 D.六 [单项选择]位于肛提肌以上的间隙是()
A. 坐骨直肠间隙 B. 骨盆直肠间隙 C. 肛门后浅间隙 D. 肛门后深间隙 E. 直肠后间隙 [单项选择]女,36岁,7天前有拔牙史,继而出现畏寒,高热,胸痛,咳嗽,咳脓痰。查体:体温39℃,呼吸迫促,呈急性重病容,心、肺检查未发现异常。血常规:WBC19×10/L,NO.85,1O.15。为明确诊断下列哪项检查最有价值( )
A. 血培养, B. 痰培养 C. CT检查 D. 支气管镜检 E. 胸部X线照片 [单选题] 抽油机( )的作用是将电动机的旋转运动变成驴头的往复运动。
A.游梁 B.减速箱 C.横梁 D.曲柄连杆机构 [单选题]检查足背动脉搏动的正确手法( )
A.用大拇指 B.先放中指,然后在放食指,最后是无名指一起触摸足背动脉 C.食指 D.无名指 [判断题]在许多情况下,应测量一点以上的温度,取其算术平均值作为油品的温度。
[单选题]盘结构牵引装置中对心盘检时,上心盘可加厚度不大于( )mm的铁垫板1块。
A.8 B.16 C.20 [判断题]一起事故同时符合两个以上事故等级的,以最低事故等级进行统计。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于发行基金,表述正确的有()。
A.发行基金是国家待发行的货币; B.发行基金从发行库出库进入业务库后成为现金; C.现金从业务库缴存到发行库后成为发行基金; D.发行基金是未进入流通领域的人民币。 [单选题]控制式自整角机按其用途分为( )种。
A.3 B.2 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]