We arrived in Naples on the Sunday
night, and spent the night on the ship. The next morning we went ashore. We
weren’t leaving again till six o’clock that evening, so we had the day to see
Naples. Well, we walked around the streets a bit, and looked at this and that.
And then I wanted to see the ruins of Pompeii, of course. I saw a taxi, and we stopped it, and asked the taxi-driver to take us to Pompeii. He said something, and shook his head. We couldn’t understand what was going on. You know what taxi-drivers are alike, all over the world. Eitherit’s too far, or too close, or the wrong dis- trict, or they’re just going home to dinner, or they don’t know the place you are talking about, or they can only take you there if you pay a special rate. I tried to find out what the reason was this A. a volcano B. a street C. a city D. a shopping centre [单选题]虫卵从人体排出后不到10小时即对人具感染性的寄生虫是
A.蛔虫 B.钩虫 C.蛲虫 D.肺吸虫 [多选题][多选题]吊篮悬挂机构前支架不得支撑在 O
A.框架梁 B.女儿墙 C.悬挑挑檐板 D.悬挑空调板 [单选题]锅筒、集箱开设人(手)孔是为了便于清理内部( )和内部检验和检修使用。
A.水渣 B.杂质 C.异物 [多选题]下列关于深圳证券交易所证券转托管的说法,正确的有( )。
A.转托管可以是一只证券或多只证券,也可是一只证券的部分或全部 B.一般情况下,当日买入的证券在同一证券公司的不同席位之间可以转托管,但在不 同证券公司的席位之间不能转托管; C.转托管一经申报不能撤单 D.转出证券营业部收到转托管未确认数据,可向中国结算深圳分公司査询转托管不 成功的原因 [判断题]制作环氧树脂电缆头和调配环氧树脂工作过程中,应采取有效的防毒和防火措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]正常情况下,在非付费区对经 BOM 或其它验票设备验证,属于本站当日已售赋值的(),但无进、出站信息的单程票按票面值退票。
A.单程票 B.爱心票 C.团体票 D.出站票 [多选题]安全带禁止挂在( )物件上。
A.A-隔离开关(刀闸)支持绝缘子 B.B-CVT绝缘子 C.C-母线支柱绝缘子 D.D-牢固的钢结构 [多选题]如果运维班区域内发生具有破坏性的地震,下列()说法是正确的。
A.运维人员尽快对变电站进行全面巡查 B.运维人员和带电设备保持安全距离 C.运维人员在室外注意远离高大建筑物 D.运维人员应注意就近在屋角躲避 [判断题]申请开展反洗钱数据报送工作的报告机构未能妥善使用和保管数字证书,影响报送工作正常开展的,由其上级行责令整改,提出批评,并对证书责任人及其他责任人员予以纪律处分。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]正常成年人血液总量约相当于体重的
A.A:5%~6% B.B:7%~8% C.C:9%~10% D.D:11%~12% E.E:13%~14% 我来回答: 提交