Passage 3
The fourth-graders at Chicago’s McCormick Elementary School don’t know Chinese is supposed to be hard to learn. For most, who speak Spanish at home, it’s becoming their third language. They’ve been hearing and using Chinese words since nursery, and it’s natural to give a “ni hao” when strangers enter the classroom, “it’s really fun!” says Miranda Lucas, taking a break from a lesson that includes a Chinese interview With Jackie Chan. “I’m teaching my mom to speak Chinese.”
The classroom scene at McCormick is unusual, but it may soon be a common phenomenon in American Schools, Where Chinese is rapidly becoming the hot new language. Government officials have long wanted more focus on useful languages 1ike Chinese, and pressure from them-as well as from business leaders, politicians, and parents-has produced a quick growth in the number of programs.
A. three times
B. four times
C. five times
D. six times
In 2007 a French food company wanted to
buy a family-owned firm in India. The patriarch was 72, and the French firm
wanted to send someone of similar experience to talk to him. But because of its
youthful corporate culture-most people are hustled out of the door in their mid
40s-it had no one to send. In the end, through Experconnect, an employment
agency in Paris which places retired people, it found a 58-year-old former head
of a European consumer-goods firm, and sent him out to Mumbai. France has a poor record when it comes to keeping older people in the workforce. The retirement age is 60, not 65 as in most developed countries. In 2005 only 37.8% of people aged 55-64 had jobs, versus 56.8% in Britain and 44.9% in Germany. The main reason is that in the 1980s, when there was high unemployment, the government promoted early retire A. They should re-recruit older workers back to the company. B. Older workers are still productive, no less than when they were young. C. They should pay attention to training more young staff. D. They will discuss with employment agency about the manpower issue. [判断题]在安装有人工售补票机软件的计算机启动后,计算机需手动运行人工售补票机应用程序。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]估价上的折旧注重的是( )。
A. 原始取得价值的减价修正 B. 原始取得价格的摊销与回收 C. 重置价格的摊销与回收 D. 价值的减价修正 [判断题]体内中性脂肪积聚过多.体重增加超过标准体重的5%以上者为肥胖。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]公司收到一封相关方转来的表扬公司环境改善效果的居民表扬信,上述情况适用于GB/T24001-2004标准中的条款号()。
A. 4.4.3 B. 4.4.6 C. 4.5.3 D. 4.2 [单项选择]视觉诱发电位的刺激参数不正确的是()。
A. 带通的低截止点可以选择1~3Hz B. 带通的高截止点可以选择100~300Hz C. 分析时间为l00ms D. 平均叠加次数100~200 E. 棋盘格大小10’~30’ [单选题]低压回路停电检修时,应将检修设备的各方面电源断开取下熔断器,在开关或刀开关( )上挂“禁止合闸 有人工作”的标示牌。
A.A.本体 B.B.外壳 C.C.操作把手 [单项选择]Outside my office window there is a fire ______ on the right.
A. escape B. ladder C. steps D. stairs [多选题]下列哪些项目应填入操作票内:( )。
A.拉、合隔离开关(刀闸) B.拉合设备后检查设备的位置 C.手车式开关拉出、推入前检查断路器(开关)确在分闸位置 D.在进行倒负荷或解、并列操作前后,检查相关电源运行及负荷分配情况 [单项选择]蒸馏酒中可能存在的有害物质是
A. 甲醇 B. 杂环胺 C. 镉 D. 黄曲霉毒素 E. N-亚硝基化合物 [单选题]白酒中( )含量与流酒温度有关。
A. 甲醛 B. 乙缩醛 C. 乙醛 D. 丙醛 [单项选择]()以上是危险电压。
A. 12V B. 24V C. 36V D. 127V 我来回答: 提交