Kevin Rogers used to be my boss.
At that time he was a hardworking, up-and-coming businessman and a real
slave-driver, always telling us we had to sell more and more. As soon as I
could, I got a job with another company. The last time I saw Rogers was more
than ten years ago. At least that’s what I thought until last Thursday. But now
I’m not so sure. I was on my way back to my office in the center of town. There is a small park nearby which I sometimes walk through after lunch. It was almost empty, except for an unshaven, shabby-looking man on one of the benches. He looked about fifty years old and was wearing an old, grey overcoat. It was a cold, wintry day, and he was shivering. "It’s been a long time since I had a meal. Can you help me" he said. There was something about his voice that sounded familiar. I gave him a A. was working for a man called Rogers B. was on his way to work in the morning C. was going back to work after lunch D. had finished work and was going home [单项选择]
Passage 1 There has been a lot of hand-wringing over the death of Elizabeth Steinberg. Without blaming anyone in particular, neighbors, friends, social workers, the police and newspaper editors have struggled to define the community’s responsibility to Elizabeth and to other battered children. As the collective soul-searching continues, there is a pervading sense that the system failed her. The fact is, in New York State the system couldn’t have saved her. It is almost impossible to protect a child from violent parents, especially if they are white, middle-class, well-educated and represented by counsel. Why does the state permit violence against Children There are a number of reasons. First, parental privilege is a rationalization. In the past, the law was giving its approval to the biblical injunction against sparing the rod. Second, while everyone agrees that the state must act to remove children from their homes when there i A. a family on welfare B. a poor uneducated family C. an educated black family D. a middle-class white family [判断题]工作许可人检修设备与运行设备确已隔断;
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]Which of the following nerves pass through the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus?( )
A.oculomotor nerve B.trochlear nerve C.abducent nerve D.ophthalmic nerve E.maxillary nerve [填空题]半导体存储器的种类很多,从制作工艺上可以分为()和()两大类。
A.道德情感不深 B.道德意志不强 C.道德认识不足 D.道德自律不够 [填空题]A Airport service
B Training of pilots C Beginning period D Rapid growth in the US E Development F Competition Paragraph 4______ [单项选择]焊接时要采用直流正接,不能选用()弧焊电源。
A. AX-320 B. ZXG-300 C. BX1-330 D. AX7-400 [多选题]我们党面临的“四大考验”是什么?( )
A.市场经济考验 B.外部环境考验 C.长期执政考验 D.改革开放考验 E.执政考验 [多选题]绝缘手套、绝缘靴、绝缘垫有( )、发脆、嵌入导电杂物等缺陷时不应使用。
A.发黏 B.裂纹 C.破口(漏气) D.气泡 [多选题]䌂6】输配电线路中对导线哪些要求:( ) ( )
A. 较低的导电率 B. 抗腐蚀能力强 C. 足够的机械强度 D. 质量轻,少用有色金属 [单项选择]母親は子供に野菜を( )。
A. 食べられます B. 食べさせます C. 食べさせられます D. 食べます [单选题]若G-530回流控制阀响应速度较慢,应该调节PID中哪项参数()
A.放大系数 B.微分 C.滤波 D.比例积分 [判断题](85572)( )货车中梁破损合计够2根(中梁每侧按一根计算)为车辆大破。( )(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )应派人现场见证电缆交接试验。
A. 电缆运检部门 B. 建设部门 C.监理部门 D.施工单位 [单项选择]
Mrs. Jones was over eighty, but she still drove her old car like a woman half her age. She loved driving very fast, and was proud of the fact (61) she had never, in her thirty-five-year driving, been punished a (62) driving offence(违法). [单项选择]关于气胸患者胸腔闭式引流,错误的是
A. 插管部位多取锁骨中线外侧第2肋间 B. 液气胸患者可选腋前线第4~5肋间,或在X线透视下选择适当部位 C. 导管另一端应置于水封瓶水面下1~2cm D. 水封瓶玻璃管中液面不再波动时,即证明肺已全部复张,可拔除导管 [单项选择]通用胶502,可用于()以下受力不大的各种零件。
A. 60℃ B. 70℃ C. 75℃ D. 80℃ [单选题]在使用安全带时要( )
A.平挂平用 B.低挂高用 C.高挂低用 D.高挂高用 [填空题]对设备操作工人的“三好”要求包括( )、( )、( )。
A. 小括号、域名(域代码)及选项开关 B. 花括号、域名(域代码)及选项开关 C. 尖括号域名(域代码)及选项开关 D. 中括号域名(域代码)及选项开关 [单选题]在鉴别支气管哮喘与心源性哮喘时,下列哪项支持后者
A.两肺布满哮鸣音 B.病史 C.两肺底湿啰音 D.发热 E.X 线胸片示肺纹理增 强 [判断题]国际疫情的公布与撤销是以公布疫区和撤销疫区的形式进行的。( )
[单选题]( )运营总里程排名世界第
A.德国高铁 B.日本高铁 C.中国高铁 D.美国高铁 [判断题]油管使用前用钢丝刷将油管螺纹上的脏物刷掉,并检查螺纹有无损坏。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] 破气药
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