Some politicians are scurrying about
with much zest and anticipation. It is time, their polls inform them, to find
the quick fix for what they have determined is a society plagued by the
irregular heartbeat of deficient values. But there are contradictions that intrude on this denunciatory atmosphere. If there are moral omissions in the society, they cannot be sealed by instant, slenderly based attacks on entertainment. The plain fact is we are rearranging our priorities in the wrong way. We are today misplacing our energies and our funding by directing all sorts of incentives to high schools and colleges. That is too late. The moral scaffolding has been built by then, for better or for worse. How then to begin this revision of life conduct We must introduce in pre-school, and keep alive through A. the past ways for ruling a society B. the society’s established virtues C. the traditional doctrines and justice D. the out-of-date moral conducts [单项选择]I recognized John () he entered the room.
A. hardly B. the minute C. no sooner D. at once [单项选择]三相异步电机铭牌中注有定额一项代表()。
A. 转子每分钟转数 B. 电动机输出功率 C. 电动机运行方式 [单项选择]四川大学有哪几部分构成?()
A. 四川大学、原成都科技大学、原华西医科 B. 四川大学、原华西医科、原成都电子科技 C. 四川大学、原华西医科、原成都电子科技 D. 原成都科技大学、原华西医科、原成都电子科技 [单选题]64D 型单线继电半自动闭塞,引导接车时,需由( )办理复原。
A.接车站采用事故复原方法 B.接车站采用事故复原方法 C.发车站采用事故复原方法 D.接、发车站都可以 [单选题]二只额定电压相同的电阻,串联在适当的电压上则额定功率大的电阻( )。
A.发热量较大 B.发热量较小 C.与功率小的发热量相同 D.不发热 [单项选择]硬胶囊剂空囊壳的组成不包括()
A. 增塑剂 B. 促渗剂 C. 防腐剂 D. 遮光剂 E. 着色剂 [单选题]下列不属于直接材料明细项目的是( )。
A.原料及主要材料 B.机物料消耗 C.自制半成品 D.制造工艺过程中消耗的燃料动力 [单项选择]轻型复发性口腔溃疡很少发生于()
A. 颊 B. 舌腹、舌缘 C. 软腭、腭垂 D. 唇 E. 硬腭 [单选题]《货币真伪鉴定书》一式()联。
A.一; B.二; C.三; D.四。 [单项选择]左、右发动机上安装有_______段探测环路,它们通过_______方式连接在一起组成一个闭和回路
A. 3,串联 B. 3,并联 C. 2,串联 D. 2,并联 [多选题] 过敏性休克首选肾上腺素主要与其下述作用有关( )
A. 兴奋心脏β2受体使心排血量增加 B. 兴奋支气管β2受体使支气管平滑肌松弛 C. 兴奋眼辐射肌α受体使瞳孔开大 D. 兴奋血管α受体使外周血管收缩血压升高;使支气管黏膜血管收缩降低毛细血管的通透性利于消除支气管黏膜水肿减少支气管分泌 E. 抑制肥大细胞释放过敏性物质 [单项选择]
A. 社会德育 B. 社区德育 C. 学校德育 D. 家庭德育 [单项选择]桑白皮与葶苈子都既能泻肺平喘,又能()
A. 利水渗湿 B. 利水通淋 C. 利水消肿 D. 利水止泻 E. 利水退黄 [单项选择]
Speech, whether oral or written, is a used commodity. If we are to be heard, we must (1) our words from those (2) to us within families, peer groups, societal institutions, and political networks. Our utterances position us both in an immediate social dialogue (3) our addressee and, simultaneously, in a larger ideological one (4) by history and society. We speak as an individual and also, as a student or teacher, a husband or wife, a person of a particular discipline, social class, religion, race, or other socially constructed (5) . Thus, to varying degrees, all speaking is a (6) of others’ words and all writing is rewriting. As language (7) , we experience individual agency by infusing our own intentions (8) other people’s words, and this can be very hard. [单选题]手写板或鼠标属于( )。
A.输入设备 B.输出设备 C.中央处理器 D.存储器 [多选题]票据和结算凭证上的签章,为( )。
A.签名 B.盖章 C.签名加盖章 D.只能盖章不能签名 [单选题]"在容器内施焊时,应采取通风措施,照明电压不得超过() V。容器内施焊应采取用绝缘材料使焊工身体与焊件隔离。间隔作业时焊工到外面休息。"
A.12 B.24 C.36 D.220 [单项选择]甲公司和乙公司签订了一份购销合同,约定甲公司向乙公司提供商品一批,乙公司收到货物以后1个星期付款,为了保证合同的顺利进行,甲公司提出要乙公司以定金作为担保,于是甲公司签发了一张出票日期为2月20日的现金支票。根据《支付结算办法》的规定,关于该出票日期的写法正确的是( )。
A. 贰月贰拾日 B. 零贰月贰拾日 C. 贰月零贰拾日 D. 零贰月零贰拾日 [单项选择]下列关于名义利率与实际利率说法,正确的是( )。
A. 实际利率总是高于名义利率 B. 在名义利率相同的情况下,以月为计息期的实际利率高于以季度为计息期的实际利率 C. 实际利率i=(1+r/m)m×n-1,其中m是每年复利次数,n是计息年数 D. 名义利率与实际利率不需要考虑单利或复利的影响 [填空题]查询设计器分为上下两部分,上半部分是表的显示区,下半部分是【 】。
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