Prices are sky-high, with profits to
match. But looking further ahead, the industry faces wrenching change, says an
expert of energy. "The time when we could count on cheap oil and even cheaper natural gas is clearly ending. "That was the gloomy forecast delivered in February by Dave O’Reilly, the chairman of Chevron Texaco, to hundreds of oilmen gathered for a conference in Houston. The following month, Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez gleefully echoed the sentiment: "The world should forget about cheap oil." The surge in oil prices, from $10 a barrel in 1998 to above $50 in early 2005,has prompted talk of a new era of sustained higher prices. But whenever a "new era" in oil is hailed, scepticism is in order. After all, this is essentially a cyclical business in which prices habitually yo-yo. Even so, an unusually loud chor A. Humorous. B. Indifferent. C. Serious. D. Anxious. [单项选择]下列哪项是小G蛋白()
A. Grb-2结合蛋白 B. G蛋白的亚基 C. 蛋白激酶G D. Ras蛋白 E. Raf蛋白 [判断题]变电站站端自动化设备异常,监控数据无法正确上送集控中心.地县级调控中心时调控机构应将相应的监控职责临时移交运维单位。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]属于自动报警装置的有哪些?
A.感烟探测器 B.消防插孔电话 C.消火栓报警按钮 D.手报 [判断题]对新能源车进行破拆时,应注意避开电池及高压装置等部位,防止高压放电伤人。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对扣留的车辆,公安机关交通管理部门需要对机动车相关证明、手续进行核实的,时间不得超过( ),需要延长的,经县级以上公安机关交通管理部门负责人批准,可以延长至( )。
A.①十五日;②二十日 B.①十日;②十五日 C.①二十日;②三十日 D.①十五日;②三十日 [单选题]不宜在跌落式熔断器( )新装、调换引线,若必须进行,应采用绝缘罩将跌落式熔断器上部隔离,并设专人监护。
A.上部 B.下部 C.左侧 D.右侧 E.略 F.略 [单选题]低压线路常见故障除因天气造成外,可分为内因与外因两方面,而内因主要是人为因素造成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]引起前轮摆动的主要原因是( )。
A.前轮前束过小 B.主销内倾角过小 C.主销后倾角过大 D.前轮外倾角过大 [多项选择]乳牙严重外伤对继承恒牙胚的影响包括()
A. 萌出异常 B. 牙冠形成异常 C. 牙根形成异常 D. 恒牙先天缺失 E. 恒牙胚停止发育 [单项选择]
A. 密度相等 B. 质量相等 C. 数量相同 D. 强度相等 我来回答: 提交